Clean That Pigsty!

May has arrived, and Mom sent me a nice letter talking about the warm May sun…and sandwiches! 🥪

Dear Jeff, The warm May sun and gentle breeze make me want to dust off the picnic basket. Sandwiches for all! -Mom

The flea market was held today, and Rolf couldn’t wait to buy my stuff. When I ran into him near town hall, he ordered me to clean my pigsty of a house!

Rolf: I'm gonna shop for stuff at your house next, so you'd better clean that pigsty!

He seemed a bit angry…though I’m not sure why.

Rolf: I'm gonna be a guest in your house, dadblastit! Grrrolf!
No you’re not.

As I’ve mentioned before, I don’t care for flea market days, because animals in their homes only care about selling you things. They won’t just talk normally. When I told Margie I didn’t want to buy anything, she got depressed. So when I went into Bunnie’s house, I decided to buy something just to be nice.

Bunnie: Oh, YAY! Well, you can just touch what you want, like, whenever you're ready!

I asked about the lovely chair, and she sold it to me for 650 bells.

Antonio was all packed up and ready to move out of town, but I got him to change his mind on the first try. I still need his pic before I let him go.

Antonio: My brain's all bamboozled... Maybe I should rethink the whole thing, wee baby!

I went down to the Roost, where K.K. Slider was performing. He played Cafe K.K. for me, and I enjoyed the show.

K.K.: All right, get ready to dig the riffs on this ditty: Cafe K.K.!

Enjoy the rest of your weekend, everyone! I’ll see you next time.

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