The Latest Gossip

Last night, I started up the game and left it sitting briefly. I was checking something before I picked up the controller. But the game quickly captured my attention when I heard a UFO flying overhead! I grabbed the controller and chased it down, but it was too late to get my slingshot out. One of these years, I’ll shoot it down again. 😛

Gulliver's UFO flies overhead in Animal Crossing: Wild World.

You know what’s weird, though? I get occasional UFO sightings, but I can’t even remember the last time I saw a balloon present in this game! In fact, it’s been almost three years since I’ve mentioned a balloon present in the blog! And if I shot one down, I almost surely would have mentioned it.

I played again today, and Big Top was talking about how Benedict and Antonio are such close friends. He said that they were wearing matching wallet-print outfits yesterday. But that wasn’t true at all! I even checked my recorded footage from yesterday, and they were wearing completely different outfits. 😛

Big Top: They were wearing matching wallet-print outfits yesterday!

He said it was lame of them. It sounds like Big Top is just jealous of their friendship.

Big Top: It was sooooooo, well, lame, actually!

Katrina was in town, so I entered her tent to get my fortune told. She dealt the “midnight” card and then started talking about a fox with a knack for art. I started seeing Redd when I realized I paid 100 bells for this nonsense. 😉 As far as I could tell, her fortune didn’t mean a thing. She’s a con artist just like Crazy Redd. 😛

Katrina: A fox with a knack for art paints images on a piece of litmus paper...

Today’s gossip came from Bunnie. She said that Big Top called Margie by his ex’s name, and they’ve been fighting ever since.

Bunnie: So the whole fight started when Big Top called Margie...

Bunnie: his ex's name by accident, tootie!!!

My next Wild World video episode will be up in the next few days, so keep an eye out for it!

2 thoughts on “The Latest Gossip”

  1. Balloon presents only appear from 10am to 4pm in Wild World. If you always play at night, that explains why you’re not seeing them.

    I think the UFO always appears at the first xx.x2 or xx.x7 after starting the game (as long as you’re outside) on a day when it’s scheduled to appear, but I can’t be 100% sure about that. There also has to be no other visitors present.

    1. Yeah, that would explain it! It’s rare for me to play before 4pm.

      It was 8:57 when it appeared, so that makes sense. I should make it part of my routine to be ready for it! I’m going to try to do that; I’m writing myself a note right now. 😂 Thanks!

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