Winning is Losing

I received Mathilda’s goodbye letter in the mail, so she is finally gone.

Au revoir, Jeff! I'm leaving town! I wanted it to be a big mystery, but I'm actually just bored. See ya. I'm out! -From, Mathilda

I knew today wasn’t a UFO day, because Booker told me that Dr. Shrunk was in town. He remembered because of the yellow blazer.

Booker: Dr. Shrunk came by here...I think. I mean, I definitely remember the yellow blazer.

But I actually didn’t see Dr. Shrunk at all in town…not that I cared. 😛

Antonio asked me to compete to see who could catch the rarer bug, and I agreed to the challenge.

Antonio: Eh? You want to have a contest to see which of us can catch the rarer bug?

Benedict asked me to open a can of food that expired last year. When I declined the offer, he called me a judgmental jerk. Thanks a lot, friend.

Benedict: What! That's so mean! J-puff, you're a judgmental jerk!

As I finished up that conversation with Benedict, I heard a tarantula nearby. I tracked it down and caught it. I rushed over to Antonio and chose the option that said “Look at my bug!” He said that my tarantula beat his best catch (a mosquito), so he gave me a dart board as my prize. However, he kept my tarantula! So by “winning,” I ended up trading an 8,000 bell bug for an item that sells for a few hundred bells. Oof. I guess “winning” is really losing.

When I visited Margie, she scolded me for opening other people’s drawers and cabinets…even though I didn’t.

I saw a large fish shadow in the river, and I fished out a tire.

Phyllis was having some coffee down in the Roost, and she rudely asked what I was “gawking” at.

Phyllis: Hey, you! Just what are you gawking at? Hmm? What? Nothing?

Without giving me a chance to answer or defend myself (for doing nothing more than simply speaking to her), she angrily told me to go away.

Phyllis: Yeah, that's what I thought! Then go point those peepers someplace else! (THE NERVE!)

There was so much negativity in Forest tonight that it seems to feel like the real world. Nothing seems to be going right lately. 😩 I hope you’re all having better luck.

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