Olivia Moves In

Lyle was hanging outside my house today, just waiting for me. However, I did my best to avoid him. Instead, I spoke with Rolf…and instantly regretted it. 😛 He accused me of yelling, and then he accused me of going in people’s houses and rummaging through their stuff.

Rolf: Whoa, whoa, WHOA! You don't have to yell, J-puff! I can still hear, ya know.

Margie came over and asked Rolf why he has to start a fight every time they talk. How fitting, considering he just did the same thing with me!

Margie: Why do you always have to start a fight whenever we talk, Rolf?

Rolf said that he’s a master of fighting, because he’s already fought every “battle” (conversation) in his head a million times.

Rolf: Let me explain it for you. See, I am a master of the arts of fighting.

Margie was just trying to invite Rolf over for some cupcakes, but he called her a doodie head. So the conversation ended on a bad note (and without cupcakes). It’s hard to like Rolf very much in this game.

Nookington’s had a spotlight product today, but it was just a blue corner (part of a boxing ring). I bought it for my catalog, even though I wasn’t exactly thrilled about it. 😛

Mathilda’s replacement has arrived, and it’s Olivia the cat. Olivia may be cute, but she’s snooty…and she was one of my original enemies in the GameCube version of Animal Crossing many years ago.

Olivia: Good afternoon!

When I visited Bunnie, she told me she’s been pigging out on fried dough.

Bunnie: Hi there! Sometimes, it's nice to sit at home and pig out on fried dough!

She then told me she’s on a diet, but she wondered why she wasn’t having any results!

Bunnie: Have I been chowing on candy in my sleep or something?!
Does pigging out on friend dough ring any bells? Maybe that’s the problem…

Later on, I wrapped up my night with a performance of Imperial K.K. at the Roost.

The Bug-Off is coming up tomorrow, and I just might participate this time. So maybe I’ll see you with another entry then!

6 thoughts on “Olivia Moves In”

  1. Honestly Olivia’s my favourite animal crossing villagers because of how enjoyably snobby she is! She’s in my GameCube and she’s so rude it’s hilarious

  2. Olivia is one of those villagers that seems to show up in my towns in most games, I have had her in multiple gamecube towns and in City Folk and in New Leaf

  3. Honestly, I like Olivia, but I don’t understand why she wears custom design and not her default clothes ?! What the hell is going on here?!

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