Hey There, Samson

On Friday, I received Antonio’s goodbye letter in the mail. He seems to think we’ll still be friendly rivals. Good luck with that.

Hey there, Jeff, Guess what? I'm moving! Yeah, I know. Stop crying. We'll still be friendly rivals, right? -Your friend, Antonio

I gave Margie more medicine on Thursday, and by Friday, she was finally over her cold. About time! She thanked me for all the medicine, and she rewarded me with a claw-foot tub.

Margie: Here you go. As promised, a claw-foot tub, just for you, tootie.

At town hall, Pelly told me about her plan: She would ask Pete if he liked coffee, and then when he said yes, she would ask him to join her. But Pete surprised her by saying that he liked hot chocolate better than coffee, so Pelly abandoned her plan. Pelly told me Pete was being “unsweet,” but that’s not really fair to Pete. She never even asked him to join her!

Pelly: Even with his sweet tooth, Pete can be awfully unsweet sometimes...

Early this morning, I bought another pack of red turnip seeds from Joan. Of course, I still have a red turnip from last week waiting for Wendell. It can’t hurt to have spares though, because this trading process is going to take multiple attempts to get everything I want.

Later on tonight, it was raining in town. Rolf spoke poetically about the rain, and then he called me a jerk for no reason. He acted as if I insulted his poem, but I didn’t say a word!

Rolf: Well, fine, you big jerk! That's the last time I confide in you!

Then he asked me if heard about Samson and Olivia’s relationship. Wait, what?!

Rolf: Did you hear? About Samson and Olivia's relationship?

I hadn’t even heard about Samson! So I checked the map and headed over to his house to meet my new villager.

Samson: Hey, pleased ta meetcha! I'm Samson! Who are you, pipsqueak?

These villagers really seem to come and go quickly in Wild World, if you let them. It feels like a revolving door lately. As for Samson specifically, I guess he’s okay. I’m not a big fan of the mice in general, but I’ll try to give him a chance.

Saharah never showed up last week, so I’m hoping she comes one day this week. Not only do I need to give her the turban, but I also still need the carpet and wallpaper to go with my space room.

Completing my space room is a goal of mine that I had forgotten about. However, it could be a goal that takes years. In fact, I’m still waiting to get the lunar surface in City Folk, going on 12.5 years already!