Massage Chair from Saharah

I spotted Saharah as soon as I came out of my house today. So I grabbed my turban, and headed over to speak with her. She noticed the turban immediately, and she asked if she could have it. Of course!

Saharah: Friend, I am ashamed, but I must have a favor... Please give me that turban, yes?!

Saharah was really happy about the turban, saying that she has nothing to fear now. She said “Not even the desert sun can touch me!” In return, she gave me a massage…chair.

Saharah: I was ordering goods, and got a massage chair by accident!

That was good news, because that’s the item I needed to continue on and get the golden axe. The next step, according to Thonky’s golden axe guide, is to give the massage chair to Tortimer. He should be outdoors for the Bug-Off later this month, so I can give it to him then. In the meantime, I tested it out!

Trying out the massage chair in Animal Crossing: Wild World.
It massaged my mush-cles.

Anyway, I spoke with Saharah again and I was able to make deliveries for her. I took a rug to Tom Nook, a carpet to Mabel, and then a carpet to Blathers.

Blathers: I've been atwitter with anticipation, and finally, it's here! Woo hoo, I say!

For my reward, Saharah let me choose either an ancient wall or a music room floor. I chose the former.

I saw a balloon present, so I shot it down; there was a Corinthian post inside. Hmm, I wonder how that balloon was strong enough to carry a Corinthian post, and yet weak enough to be popped by a pebble from a slingshot. 😛

There was a new “Talking to Myself” message on the bulletin board. The author said she just ate some candy that has as much Vitamin C as 300 lemons! That must be some really sour candy!

-Talking to Myself- I just ate some candy with the same amount of vitamin C as 300 lemons... I'm covered for life!
I don’t think it works that way, but I guess we’ll C.

Goldie was still sick, so I gave her some more medicine. I’m starting to feel like this is just a medicine-dispensing game. 😂

When I spoke with Peanut, she said she was on a really tight budget this month…that’s why she was hunting for bugs to sell. But she apparently hates looking for bugs, and considers it to be a gross job. 😛

Peanut: Still, what a gross job! How long do I have to live like this, slacker?!

Even though I plan on playing tomorrow, there probably won’t be a new entry unless something major happens (like Margie’s replacement moving in). But I’ll be back with more next week! Enjoy your weekend, and Never Stop Crossing!