Rowan Into Town

I spoke with Goldie near town hall today, and she asked how I would describe her relationship with Rowan. I didn’t even know Rowan was my new villager, so she spoiled the surprise…just like Rolf spoiled Samson’s arrival recently. 😛

Goldie: How would you describe my relationship with Rowan?

A slider appeared with the options “best friends” and “mortal foes.” Since Rowan just moved in, I figured she probably didn’t know him well enough for either of those to be accurate, so I left the slider in the middle. That answer was correct, and Goldie gave me a mochi pestle as my prize.

I then went to meet Rowan for myself. The new tiger in town called me skinny and said I should drink some protein-enriched peach nectar.

Rowan: You oughta drink protein-enriched peach nectar now and then, skinny!

I’ve had Rowan in City Folk before, and I liked him. But that’s not a guarantee that I’ll like him in Wild World. We’ll see!

Peanut is looking forward to the Bug-Off coming up on Sunday. In fact, she said she even got a bite-proof dress to prevent the bugs from taking revenge on her. 😀

Peanut: I got this cute bite-proof dress to keep the bugs from taking revenge on me.

There were no special visitors in town today. But I’ll keep checking for them, and I’ll be back with another entry soon.

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