Taste Terrible

It was raining in town as I started up the game tonight. It was x:x6 (9:36), so I quickly rushed up to the north of town with my slingshot out. One minute later, the UFO flew overhead! It’s hard to believe that the UFO is showing up more than Saharah or Pascal lately.

I shot it down without much trouble, and then headed to the crash site to wake up Gulliver. He shared the secret of long life with me.

Gulliver: The secret to long life! Taste terrible.

Tasting terrible. I guess that means Nintendo Switch game cards will live forever. 😛

Gulliver: Space monsters have very refined palates. They won't eat anything disgusting.

He asked me to collect his UFO parts, so I kept my eyes open for them as I played.

When I got back home, I found a letter from the mayor in the mail. He confirmed my Bug-Off win, and he sent me my 2nd bug trophy.

I eventually found all five of Gulliver’s UFO parts, and he was happy to get them back.

Gulliver: You have my gratitude, my small, potato-headed alien friend.

He rewarded me with a Tower of Pisa, which you can see here in my mush room.

The Tower of Pisa in ACWW.

These Gulliver items are adding up, so I may consider moving them to the room on the left, where I currently have a bunch of hybrid flowers.

Rolf was still sick (of course), so I bought some medicine for him once again.

Rolf: Oh! You actually thought of me, eh? Wow, grrrolf?

Peanut was all packed up and ready to move, but I’m obviously not letting her move out this soon.

I’ll be back with more later in the week. Hope to see you then!

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