By Wednesday, Rolf was over his cold. He thanked me again for the medicine, and he gave me a wet roadway sign.
Today, I shot down three balloon presents. They gave me a daffodil table, a lovely chair, and a cream sofa. I found it hard to believe that I haven’t shot down enough for the golden slingshot yet! So I (just now) searched through my previous blog entries… Including the three balloons from today, that makes a total of 15! So that means my very next balloon should be the golden slingshot!
Peanut is the latest villager to catch a cold. I swear, this town can’t go more than two days without someone being sick. Fortunately for Peanut, I had some medicine to give her.
Rolf was packed up and ready to move today…but I’m not letting him go until I get his picture.
Gracie was in town, so I took her fashion quiz. I used my normal strategy, which is to answer how I think Gracie herself would answer…and it paid off again. I earned my Fashionista badge, and I then paid her 5,000 bells for some new fashion. In return, she gave me a two-ball shirt.
Surprisingly, there was no accessory this time. I confirmed this by trying to remove the accessory that I wasn’t wearing. The game promptly told me that I have nothing.
Bunnie asked me for a new catchphrase, and I normally don’t bother with these requests. But she was now using Big Top’s catchphrase of “villain,” and I really don’t like when villagers use catchphrases that are meant for someone else. So I told her to say “hop to it” instead.
Just before wrapping up my day, I found a green counter in the recycle bin at town hall. But despite that free gift, it was kind of a disappointing week. Pascal didn’t show up, so I never got my golden axe. And I didn’t get my golden slingshot either, although I now know I’m very, very close. So next week should be better. Hope to see you then!
Hopefully Rolf didn’t get the sign wet by sneezing on it!
A two-ball shirt is not worth 5,000 Bells!
Make sure to answer gold axe when Pascal asks you what are you dropped.