Bob, Bachelor Nook

As much as I hated to see Big Top leaving without notice, I could not be happier with his replacement. That’s because BOB just moved in today! Bob is one of my favorite villagers in the entire series! Yay! Welcome to Forest, Bob! 🙂

Bob: The sun at dusk is so fiery and neat looking... It's amazing, pthhpth.

Over at Nookington’s, Tom Nook had some new dialogue for me. He clarified that Timmy and Tommy are not his kids.

Tom Nook: Tommy and Timmy are not my children!

For a long time, I thought they were his nephews. But Tom Nook said that they’re not related to him at all!

Tom Nook: Those two are just my employees, yes? We're not related at all!

He said that he’s just a swinging bachelor. Too much information, Nook. I don’t need to hear this.

Tom Nook: I'm still just a swinging bachelor, yes?

Back outside, Bunnie told me that she mainly uses her net to keep admirers away! Maybe she’s talking about that rat standing behind her. 😛

Bunnie: This net? Oh, I mostly use this to keep admirers away from me, tee-hee!

Of course, Samson was carrying a net too. Maybe they can have net fights with each other. Haha, wouldn’t that be funny if villagers could actually do that? 😀

Goldie was still sick with a cold, so I gave her some more medicine.

See you all next time! Have a great day!

Pascal’s Pic

Yesterday, I found Pascal on the beach. I grabbed my scallop and handed it over to him. He asked if I dropped a golden axe or silver axe, just like he did the first time I gave him a scallop. But this time, I chose the “Uhh…what?” option.

Pascal: Dude, maaannn, did you drop a golden axe or a silver axe? Or what, maann?

He gave me his photo, and then he wondered what it would be like if the ocean was filled with pepper instead of salt. 😛 I’m guessing things would be spicy.

Pascal: Oh, maaannn. What if the ocean was filled with pepper instead of salt. Whoa.

I admit that I’m curious to see what Pascal says if you choose a silver axe, since this game apparently doesn’t have a silver axe. So I ordered yet another massage chair, so that I can eventually find out. I also want to find out if he gives duplicate golden axes.

But for now, I took the photo home to take a look at it. His quote on the back is “The more you learn, man, the less you know.”

Quote on Pascal's pic: The more you learn, man, the less you know.

At Nookington’s, Tom Nook had some new dialogue that I don’t think I’ve seen before. He told me that each night, he takes a lick of some sweet honey. 😂

Tom Nook: I treat myself to a lick of sweet, sweet honey, yes?

But he said that Timmy and Tommy recently ate the entire jar! Tom Nook was so furious that he broke a vase!

Tom Nook: Timmy and Tommy went and ate the entire jar! I was overcome with rage, yes?

They told him they were just trying to be like him because they looked up to him, and he actually bought that. So he forgave them. 😛

Today, I found a note in a bottle on the beach. It congratulated me on getting hitched. That’s news to me! 😛

What's up?! So, I heard you got hitched! Another one bites the dust! Stop by when you visit your folks next! -From, Smitty

Yay Day is coming up, and Samson foolishly expects me to (literally) sing his praises. Yeah, that’s not going to happen.

Samson: Still, on the day of the event, praise me! Please! Sing my name, mango!

Goldie was sick with a cold today, so I gave her some medicine. Get well soon!

Even though I played every day this week (I even accidentally played on Tuesday 😂), Big Top’s replacement has still not moved in yet. I’m sure that will happen next week though, so I’ll be back with another entry then. Have a good weekend!

A Big Loss

Last Wednesday, Mom sent me a letter telling me about a plant that can bring happiness. A coffee plant? Nope. She said it was a corn plant, but then she enclosed a dracaena instead. That did not make me happy. 😛

Dear Jeff, There's a type of plant that is said to bring happiness. It's called the corn plant. Strange, huh. I DO like corn chips! -Mom

I also received the massage chair that I ordered.

On the bulletin board, someone wrote a “Talking to Myself” post about being called too “right-brained” by Blathers. Normally, I tend to think these posts are written by Pelly or Phyllis, but this one seems to have been written by Celeste. Interesting.

-Talking to Myself- Blathers says that the problem with me is that I'm too right-brained. Who knew he was a lefty?!
Hoo wrote this? 🦉

Today (Sunday), I started up the game in the morning briefly to buy a red turnip seed from Joan. I’m trying to stay prepared for the trading sequence, until I earn all of the rewards. And with that in mind, I played again later to give Tortimer my massage chair.

Tortimer: I just know this massage chair is going to take care of my cricks and creaks!

In return, he gave me another scallop to give to Pascal. Even though the Bug-Off was underway (which is why Tortimer was out of his nursing home office in the first place), I did not participate.

Olivia asked me to deliver a letter to Cyrano, and I agreed to help out. But once I handed over Cyrano’s letter, he got an attitude with me.

Cyrano: And you actually got off your rear to deliver the letter?
Excuse me? I’m not the mailman. I’m doing you a favor, you jerk!

When I returned to Olivia, she rewarded me with a fairy-tale wall.

Kid Cat has still been sick lately, so I gave him some medicine on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. By today, he was finally over his cold. He gave me a white bishop for helping out with medicine all week.

When I returned home and checked my mail, I was astonished when I saw this letter. My jaw literally dropped.

Good-bye, Jeff, We had some good times. Sleeping... Eating... Um... Eating some more. But now I'm moving. See ya around! See ya! -Big Top

BIG TOP MOVED OUT! WITHOUT WARNING! Big Top has been one of my favorites for a long time. And he’s been here for such a long time, too. My town will turn five years old next month, and he’s been here for 4.5 of those five years! Not only am I sad to see him go, but Forest is going to feel so different without him.

I already lost Margie two months ago, and now Big Top. I believe that now makes Goldie the (current) villager who has lived here the longest, and she hasn’t even been here two years yet. That’s less than half as long as Big Top. Such is life in the Wild World/City Folk era.

Fortunately, I do still have Big Top in New Leaf. I’ll be back with another entry at some point this week, so I hope to see you then.