More Trading

Out in the rain today, I listened in on an unpleasant conversation between Olivia and Goldie. Olivia was insulting Goldie, saying that she was boring!

Olivia: Whenever I talk to you, Goldie, I get really bored, yowza.

This made sweet little Goldie start crying. Poor doggie. 🙁 Olivia is a meanie.

Wendell was in town, and I gave him a red turnip. This was the last red turnip I had, so I’ll need to buy another one soon. In return, he gave me another turban (that’s a good thing, based on what I’m trying to do).

Wendell: Tuh-to show you how much I appreciated that, have a turban!

I’ll need to give this turban to Saharah, but this time, I’ll be hoping for a red vase, not a massage chair. And speaking of the massage chair, I learned of a little shortcut: After you’ve obtained the massage chair once, you can order it from your catalog.

The massage chair in the catalog, available for 1,920 bells.

I ordered one tonight. It can be given to Tortimer for another scallop, which should get me Pascal’s pic next time, since I’ve already earned the golden axe. Sorry, I know this is all a bit complex and confusing. 😛

Over at town hall, Pelly was again talking about Pete and his slap mark. She wondered if he broke up with his girlfriend, and that’s why she slapped him. Sounds like wishful thinking by Pelly, in my opinion.

Pelly: Do you think that maybe his girlfriend slapped him when he dumped her?

Pelly asked Phyllis about her theory, and Phyllis suggested staying away from Pete (who she called a fool).

Pelly, quoting Phyllis: Not to bad-mouth anyone, but I'd stay away from that fool if I were you!

Why would Phyllis have such anger towards Pete? Unless she is the ex-girlfriend that Pete supposedly just broke up with? Pelly might be right about the ex-girlfriend thing, but she clearly doesn’t suspect that Phyllis is the ex-girlfriend. Interesting. 😛

Kid Cat was still sick, so I gave him a third dose of medicine today.

Over the weekend, I posted my latest Wild World video, episode 37. I hope you enjoy it.

See you all next time!

Who Slapped Pete?

Saharah was in town yesterday, and she asked me to make a delivery to Pelly. After I did, Pelly had some new dialogue: She told me she was about to confront Pete, but she lost her courage when she noticed it looked like someone had just slapped him! 😮

Pelly: Because on Pete's cheek... There was a red mark. Like he'd been slapped!
Was it Phyllis? I bet it was!

She decided to just back off for now.

Next, Saharah asked me to deliver some wallpaper to Mabel. I did, and Saharah offered me a blue tarp or a daisy meadow. I chose the daisy meadow.

Saharah: Do you want a blue tarp or a daisy meadow?

Kid Cat is the latest animal to catch a cold, so I gave him some medicine yesterday and then again today.

Kid Cat: I feel like four pounds of trash in a two-pound bag...

Today, there was a new house in the spot where Margie recently lived. I went inside and found Cyrano the anteater. I’ve had him in City Folk before (quite a long time ago), and I like him.

Cyrano: My name is Cyrano. Well, nice to meet you, ah-CHOO!

Nookington’s had a spotlight product today, but it wasn’t a painting. It was a lucky gold cat, and I bought it for my house.

Tommy: You have a keen eye! That's our spotlight product...the lucky gold cat!

On the beach, I found a note in a bottle. It was a “Thought for the Day” by a fortune cookie philosopher, about two paths to enlightenment.

Thought for the Day: There are two paths to enlightenment: kindness and oneness with your universe. -Fortune Cookie Philosopher

I’ll see you all next time.


Pascal was in town on Friday, but I didn’t have any scallops to give him this time. He told me some wise words about diamonds, and he gave me some sea view wallpaper before jumping into the ocean.

Pascal: Some diamonds...are used to cut other diamonds. Stew on that, maaannn.

On Monday, I received Rolf’s goodbye letter in the mail. He said he was “free at last.” I feel the same way about him. Jerk.

It's good-bye, Jeff, Hey, I moved! Yeah, sorry for not telling you where I'm going, but you'll just cry or something. -Free at last, Rolf

Today, a UFO flew by mere seconds after I started up the game. Fortunately, I was ready for it, and two of my three slingshot pellets made contact with the spaceship.

Shooting down Gulliver's UFO in ACWW.

Gulliver asked me if I knew anything about a text message he received that simply said “Don’t look back.”

Gulliver: I got a text message on my cell phone! (I know, I get stellar reception.)

I had nothing to do with that, but I appreciated his “stellar” pun. It’s out of this world! 😉

Kid Cat asked to have a competition to see who could catch a red dragonfly first. Since those are pretty common, I was up to the challenge. It barely took me a minute to find one, and Kid Cat seemed a bit mad that I caught it so quickly.

Kid Cat: There's no WAY I'm losing to you next time, psst!

But he still rewarded me with an asteroid.

I found a note in a bottle on the beach, and it contained a poem (a haiku) about springtime. It’s called “Before the Summer.”

Before the Summer. A peach tree blooms pink. A warm breeze rustles the leaves. Spring unfolds its arms. -The Traveling Poet

I gave Olivia some more medicine on Friday, and then again on Monday. She was finally feeling better today. She gave me a cabana wall to thank me for the medicine.

The latest “Talking to Myself” post on the bulletin board consisted of the author seemingly bragging about their salary. Unless of course, those zeroes mentioned are the only digits in the number. 😛

-Talking to Myself- Do you want to know what my base salary is? I can't tell you exactly, but there are lots of zeroes!

Once I gathered up all of the UFO parts, I returned them and Gulliver rewarded me with a Merlion. It’s one of my favorite Gulliver items!

My new Merlion sprays water on my Jacob's ladder.

Rolf’s replacement has not moved in yet, but I imagine that will happen in a day or two. Once it does, I’ll be back with another entry. Hope to see you then!