Two Tigers Tamed

Since Kid Cat just moved in yesterday, I wasn’t expecting to find anyone packed up to leave town today. However, I was wrong. Rolf was packed up, and I promptly said goodbye to him.

Rolf: This is awkward. You caught me in the act.
I hope to see you again…but in a different game.

Rowan just moved out on Monday, and now three days later, Rolf is going too. That’s two tigers tamed in the same week! Or, you could say that tigers have gone extinct in Forest.

That’s a lot of villager movement in such a short span! But after Rolf’s replacement moves in, maybe things will settle down a bit. I’m not planning on letting anyone else go for a while.

Gracie was in town today, standing out in the pouring rain. She was not a fan of the clothes I was wearing.

Gracie: That shirt...sure has that country aroma!

I took her quiz and earned another fashionista badge. I then gave her 5,000 for a new outfit; she gave me a two-ball shirt (just like the one I gave Samson yesterday) and some triangle shades.

Gracie: Ready...and GO!

Those are both items that she has given me before, so I was a bit disappointed. I just sold them both and put my deep blue tee back on.

Olivia was still sick (big surprise), so I gave her yet another dose of medicine. It seems like this game has a sick villager 80-90% of the time, even when you’re constantly giving them medicine. It’s annoying!

Despite the wet, gloomy weather, Peanut was trying to look on the bright side. She pointed out that now we don’t have to water the flowers because of the rain. True, but I wasn’t about to water the flowers anyway. 😂

Peanut: Like today! Yep, it's raining, but now we don't need to water the flowers.

Peanut then asked me to make a delivery to Big Top, and I agreed to help out. She sent him a gold armor suit, which sounds pretty expensive!

Big Top: Whoa! This is an authentic gold armor suit! These things are rare!

He loved it! Peanut thanked me for helping out by giving me a chainlink fence.

That’s all for today. There probably won’t be an entry tomorrow, so I’ll most likely see you all again next week. Have a great weekend!

Kid Cat!

As I mentioned on Monday, I wasn’t happy that Rowan left before I could earn his photo. However, I am more than pleased with his replacement: Kid Cat moved in today!

Kid Cat: Hey, nice to meet you! They call me Kid Cat... My sign is Leo!

He’s one of the superhero villagers, so maybe he and Big Top can go on some crime-fighting adventures or something. It’s really cool to have him in town.

I don’t think I’ve had Kid Cat in any of my towns since he was in my City Folk town back in 2012! In fact, he moved out nine years ago to the day! That was so long ago that ACCF was still getting DLC. 😛

I ran into Goldie, and she was enjoying a nice walk. She said she was going to keep walking until she was unstoppable. 😛

Goldie: Sunshine, I've decided to walk around until I'm unstoppable!
You go, girl!

Peanut asked to visit my house, but I told her no. Sorry Peanut, nothing personal. I just hate these visits, especially if they have to be scheduled. She was quite disappointed.

Peanut: Believe it or not, it's hard work being so chipper... And I'm overworked.

Olivia was still sick with a cold, so I gave her another dose of medicine. Get well soon!

At Able Sisters, I bought myself a deep blue tee. I then gave Samson my old two-ball shirt, since he’s been begging me for a shirt to soak up his sweat lately. 😛

Samson: Let me try it on now! This second, mango!

He seemed to like it, and he rewarded me with a kaffiyeh.

Over at town hall, Pelly was (again) telling me how Pete just never notices her.

Pelly: No matter how hard I try, or how long I wait, Pete... just doesn't notice me.

Sorry, Pelly. Sometimes things just aren’t meant to be, no matter how badly you want it.

I’ll see you all next time!