On Monday, Wishy sent me my latest reward for wishing on a star: a kiddie stereo. Getting that letter must have distracted me, because I forgot to go stand by the gate after starting up the game. As a result, a UFO flew by, long before I had a chance to get my slingshot out. Oops.
Yesterday, Nookington’s had a spotlight product: I bought the lovely kitchen, if only for catalog purposes.

I spotted a scorpion outside, and fortunately I wasn’t holding my net at the time. So I was able to retreat, get my net out, and catch the creepy critter!

Selling it, along with some other bugs I caught, helped my account balance reach five million bells!

And then tonight, the fireworks festival was underway.

Bob was hoping that the booms of the fireworks would cover up the sounds of his stomach grumbling.

Even Tortimer got out of his coffin chair for the event. He handed me a sparkler so that I could participate in some small way.

I made some more good catches under the fireworks-lit sky, including a rainbow stag and a blue marlin.

Deena was sick with a cold today, so I gave her some medicine. Get well soon!
See you all next time!