After making my rounds on Wednesday night, I stood by the gate and left the game on in case I heard a shooting star. But I was shocked when I heard something else instead: a UFO! I always thought the UFO would come in the first ten minutes of your session, if it was coming at all. But that was not the case this night.
I equipped my slingshot as quickly as I could, but I was out of position when I fired off my one and only shot, and the UFO escaped Forest unharmed.
Yesterday, Eloise and Wolfgang had an argument that left Wolfgang feeling depressed. He said sadness is the only thing he has plenty of.

Eloise, on the other hand, was unaffected by the squabble. She even said she was happy to see me, because now she had someone to play with. 😛

But by tonight, Eloise wasn’t feeling well at all. She was sick with a cold, and I gave her some medicine. She started to feel better almost instantly.

Goose challenged me to see who could catch a horse mackerel first, and for once, I agreed to the competition. However, it surprisingly took me seven and a half minutes to track one down! Fortunately, that was still quicker than Goose.

He rewarded me with a lime chair, which is a cool item. It’s too bad it didn’t make it to New Horizons.
I realized that I’ve been wearing my nebula shirt for a very long time (since January!), so I headed over to Able Sisters to shop for new clothes. I wasn’t overly impressed with today’s selection, but I ultimately decided to buy a No. 2 shirt.

See you all next week!