On Tuesday (November 1st), I bought a jackhammer at Nook’s Cranny, with the intention of giving it to Butch for his birthday. But when I headed over to his house, there was no party. Instead, he was trying to move out of town!
Of course I talked him out of moving, but he still didn’t have a birthday party. I even tried leaving his house and re-entering. Oof.
Bones asked me for a fossil, so I gave him some fossilized dino droppings that I dug up.
He was happy to have them, and he rewarded me with a slate flooring.
On Wednesday, I had a chat with Mitzi outside of town hall. She was talking about how nice the office is, and she credited it to Phyllis and Pelly’s hard work. She said Pete was just a slacker.
Yesterday, Wendell was in town, and I gave him an apple to eat. Somehow, that apple completely filled him up. I find that hard to believe, but okay. 😛
He gave me a block pattern in return, which is really just a brick path pattern.
Eloise has still been sick with a cold, so I gave her more medicine Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and then again today. This is dragging on way too long. She needs to get over her cold already.
Dr. Shrunk was in town today, and I asked him for a new emotion (exasperation) to let out a much-needed sigh.
However, I was having trouble getting the timing of the tapping right; Wild World has the worst, most tedious reaction-learning technique in the series.
But I eventually figured out the timing and learned exasperation. Since my collection was already full with four emotions, I had to lose one. I sacrificed “thought” to learn “exasperation.” I hope it was worth it.
*sigh* See you next time.