Crabs Shaking Hands

On Thursday night, Peanut said that her legs felt like lead, and she asked me to give her a piggyback ride back to her house!

Peanut: Hey, c'mon, sunshine! Gimme a piggyback ride back to my house!

But then she told me to never mind because I didn’t look burly enough? That’s kinda rude.

Yesterday, I found Pascal on the beach…the same day I also found him in my City Folk town! But while he was talking about lobsters in ACCF, he was talking about crabs here in Wild World.

Pascal: Crabs are totally misunderstood. They're just trying to shake hands, man.

He then gave me a ship compass before doing a backflip into the sea.

Bones was still sick with a cold, so I gave him some more medicine Thursday, yesterday, and then again today. Get well soon, buddy!

Bones: HACKity! HWEEZE HWEEZE! Thanks... HWEEZE! Now let me choke this stuff down.

I headed down to The Roost tonight to check out the Saturday night show. Unfortunately, Mr. Slider performed the worst K.K. song: K.K. Song.

K.K.: All right, get ready to dig the riffs on this ditty: K.K. Song!

After the show, I took some money over to town hall and deposited it into my account. My balance has reached six million bells.

Phyllis: Your balance is 50 billion bells! Just kidding! It's actually 6,000,000.