Wolfgang’s Birthday

Saharah was in town on Wednesday, and she asked me to make a few deliveries for her. So I took some wallpaper to Pelly (well, Phyllis actually), some carpet to Tom Nook, and some wallpaper to Mabel. Saharah offered me an ancient wall or a sandlot; I didn’t need either of them, so I just took the wallpaper.

Yesterday (November 25th) was Wolfgang’s birthday, and I attended his party; Mitzi was also there. I gave Wolfgang an orange chair that I had in my pockets, even though I originally bought that for Peanut (since she often asks for orange furniture). Wolfgang didn’t particularly care for it, but he still accepted it and gave me a bird bath in return.

Wolfgang: You gotta take my bird bath in return.

Bones was finally over his cold (after I gave him more medicine on Wednesday). So he thanked me with a shanty wall yesterday.

Bones: Sunshine, your tender care has returned me to full health!

Before wrapping up my game for the night, I wished on a shooting star. Then today, I received a gift from Wishy in the mail: a kiddie stereo.

Peanut wanted to have a competition to see who could catch a sea bass first, and I decided to accept the challenge this time. Unfortunately, it took me ten full minutes to catch one! I kept catching dabs and old tires instead (among other things). Peanut took the sea bass and rewarded me with 510 bells…as much as one foreign fruit I could’ve picked and sold in a matter of seconds. Oof.

Peanut: Well then, in exchange for your fish, I'll give you 510 bells!

Moments later, Bob asked to have a competition to see who could catch a black bass first. Naturally, I declined. Then Eloise wanted to see who could catch a monarch first. Monarchs aren’t even out at this time of day. It feels like the game is going overboard with these competition requests lately.

I went down to the Roost, but it wasn’t quite time for K.K. Slider’s show just yet. So he told me to be chill and wait.

K.K.: Be chill, man. I'm still wrapping up my sound check.

I hung around until 8:00, and then asked him for random song. He played “To the Edge” for me.

See you all next time!

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