Respectful of Otters

Wendell was in town yesterday, so I caught a fish to give him. It was a pond smelt, and he appreciated it. He rewarded me with a pattern called “Overhead view C.” That’s an odd name, and this is what it looks like:

The overhead view C pattern from Wendell.

It’s one part of a four-part design, which seems to be of the Nazca Lines hummingbird in Peru. This might be a cool one to collect all four pieces of (like I once collected the crop circle designs in City Folk).

Pascal was in town today, and he told me to always be respectful of otters. Not “others,” but otters. 😆

Pascal: Always be respectful of otters, maaannn.

Too bad I’m seeing this one just a bit too late to include it in my recent video of Pascal quotes. 😛 But Pascal gave me a keg before he jumped into the ocean, and I put the keg in storage for now.

Bob was talking about leaving footprints on the beach…

Bob: If you run across the sand twice before a wave hits the shore,

And he said that if you leave two sets of footprints, it’s proof that you’ve met your true love?

Bob: it's like you've met your true love! And the two sets of prints prove it!

That makes no sense at all to me, but Bob thought it was romantic. 😆

Butch is the latest villager to come down with a cold, so I gave him some medicine yesterday and again today.

Butch: Phew ... I'm not quite so delirious now, nutty. Thank ya, sunshine!

Other than Bones, my newer villagers haven’t been giving me their photos lately. It’s probably because they all want to have fish-catching competitions, and I decline those requests at least 90% of the time. I’ll make deliveries, but I really hate these fish competitions. 😛

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays, everyone! I’ll be back with another entry next week. 🎄