First Peach

Yesterday, Peanut was telling me about La-Di-Day, which is coming up on Saturday. But she was using some alliteration, repeating the “P” sound to make a particularly powerful proclamation. 😉

Peanut: As Forest's reigning pop princess, people expect perky perfection.

Nookington’s had a spotlight product, a blue dresser. I didn’t have that one in my catalog, so I bought it for 1,680 bells.

Tommy: You have a keen eye! That's our spotlight product...the blue dresser!

When I visited Butch, he asked me if he was more of a bell pepper or chili pepper. I moved the slider slightly towards chili pepper, and Butch laughed at how wrong I was.

Butch: Chili Pepper Butch... Oh, man... It's almost funny how wrong you always are!
I disagree.

Today, Mom sent me a letter with a foreign fruit attached: It was a peach!

Dear Jeff, Whenever I eat a piece of fruit, I think of you. That crunchy sound you made with every bite. I miss your crunch. -Mom

That was my first peach, so I chopped down an orange tree near my house and buried the peach in the same spot. Once it grows, I will have all of the fruits except cherries.

Planting my first peach.

I spoke with Bob near town hall, and he told me that he recently saw a seagull wearing a spacesuit! That’s Gulliver, of course. I’m just surprised that he’s talking about Gulliver when it’s not a UFO day (Dr. Shrunk was in town instead).

Bob: I wonder if he's just some weird dude who likes to pretend he's an astronaut?

I didn’t even bother speaking with Dr. Shrunk this time. He’s not one of my favorite visitors.

I’ll see you all next week with another entry! 🙂