Bobbing Out of Town

Yesterday, I was very, very disappointed to find a goodbye letter from Bob in the mail. He left without warning. 🙁

Dear Jeff, I'm hitting the road, but don't be sad! I'll send you a sandwich or something from my new town. Good-bye! -Bob

That means my last moment with Bob was seeing him fall into a pitfall last week. Oof. I’ll miss him, but I’m sure we’ll meet again in one game or another.

Over at the shop, it was apparently Dharma Day. 😛 They had a regular dharma and a giant dharma up for sale. I checked my catalog, but I didn’t need either of them.

A dharma and a giant dharma up for sale at Nookington's in Animal Crossing: Wild World.

Today, I received a very different letter in the mail. It was from Mom, and she said she saw a limping pigeon that reminded her of me. Thanks, Mom.

Dear Jeff, I saw a limping pigeon and thought of the day we took the training wheels off your first bike. Do you remember? -Mom

I already found a new house behind mine, where Kiki used to live. Inside, I found Anchovy the fish bird.

Anchovy: The sun at dusk is so fiery and neat looking... It's amazing, chuurp.

He’s okay, but he’s definitely no Bob. However, he’s fortunate that I don’t like anchovies on pizza. 😉

When I visited Mitzi, she wondered what it would be like if she had a best friend in town. Aww, poor Mitzi. 🙁

Mitzi: I wonder what it would be like if I had a best friend in this town...

She even wondered if her theoretical best friend would be a cat like her.

Mitzi: Do you think she'd be a cat, like me?
Not necessarily, Mitzi.

I dug up all three fossils today, so I decided to give one of them (a pachy skull) to Butch. (He’s been bugging me for fossils lately.) He appreciated it, and he gave me a blue vase in return.

Butch: This just shows that people can actually be nice to you a few times in your life.

Mitzi’s Pic

On Wednesday, I witnessed Goose falling into a pitfall behind my house. 😆 It was a random pitfall (not one that I buried), but it was funny to see him take a fall.

Goose, in a pitfall: WHAT'S GOING ON?! THE RAGE! IT'S TAKING ME!! Yaargh, nutty!!!

Moments later, Mitzi pinged me and gave me her picture! …Or yarn.

Mitzi: It's nothing much. Just a picture of me, or yarn, but I hope you like it!
Well, I’m hoping it’s not a picture of yarn.

I placed the photo in my house, and Mitzi’s favorite quote is “Sometimes I think I’m the only sane one around.”

Mitzi's pic in Animal Crossing: Wild World.

When I visited Bob, he asked if I’ve eaten fruit salad. He said that it could compete for the top spot in his “Gut Rankings.” There’s gut to be a better name for a list of favorite foods. 😛

Bob: It could definitely compete for the top spot in my Gut Rankings, in a jar.

Today, there was a new “Talking to Myself” post on the bulletin board. It was talking about classical music, and the difference between allegro, andante, …and al dente. 😆

-Talking to Myself- Classical music... Allegro is faster, andante is laid back, and al dente is the only way to cook pasta.

Dr. Shrunk was in town, and I told him I’d like to learn the emotion of contentment. He said that we all wear masks, and we must break free of them.

Shrunk: We all wear masks. You, me, Tom Nook (well, he wears a raccoon suit, ...

He then started smiling real big, and I tapped the screen to learn the emotion. I chose to replace “scheming” with contentment.

Shrunk: ...and learned how to express contentment! We've made some real progress!

The random daily pitfall claimed another victim today: Bob!

Bob: Someone help me! I can't get out! In a jar!
Aww, poor Bob.

It’s dangerous out there! Be careful! 🙂

Bright Nights 2023

This is the week of the Bright Nights festival!

Hey, everybody! The Bright Nights are here!

All of the villagers’ houses, along with many of the cedar trees in town, are decorated with festive lights. It may not make a lot of sense, but the lights are pretty, and they brighten up these otherwise bleak winter nights.

Bones's house decorated for Bright Nights.
Bones’s house was one of the better displays.

Over near town hall, Butch was overconfident that he was going to win.

Butch: Yeah, all the losers in this town better wave a white flag, nutty!
Wolfgang later repeated this same bit of dialogue.

Even though the festival was dominating discussions around town, not everyone was obsessed with it. Eloise was more concerned with her dry skin. 😛

Eloise: I've actually got chronically dry skin, nutty.

But she told me a home remedy that works for her: Waldorf salad. On her face. It sounds a bit nutty to me, but she swears by it.

Eloise: The Waldorf salad facial! ...What!? It really works! Just look at me!

Bones was finally over his cold, and he thanked me for the medicine by giving me an ornate wall.

After checking out all of the decorated houses, I decided that Wolfgang’s looked the best. He has some decorated cedar trees near his house that added to the appeal. (Even if the narrow camera viewpoint prevents a good look at the whole area.)

Wolfgang's house decorated for Bright Nights.

So I returned to Tortimer to tell him my choice.

Tortimer: Perhaps I'll pass that on to Wolfgang.

I spoke with Wolfgang again, and he acknowledged my choice.

Wolfgang: Hey, sunshine! Were my lights really that awesome?

Bright Nights continue through Sunday night, so you still have several more days to check them out for yourself.

See you all next time! 🙂