Speaking to Starfish

Yesterday, I saw a large fish shadow in the river, and I caught myself a stringfish! 😀 It’s always exciting to catch a valuable fish like this. 🙂

I completely rock! YIPPEEEEEE!

Mitzi asked me for a new catchphrase to replace “nutty,” so I told her to say “or yarn” instead.

Mitzi: Hmmmmm... I'll have to think about this, or yarn.

Speaking of catchphrases, Bob has continued using his recent one, telling me that he got a picture of a couch in a jar. 😆

Bob: I recently got this really nice picture of a couch, in a jar.

It’s too bad we can’t layer catchphrases, so he could say it’s in a jar, in a box, for example. 😉

Today, Pascal was in town. Apparently, he’s been asking starfish about the meaning of life. And apparently, they spoke back to him? 😛

Pascal: Ask any starfish about the secret to life...
Pascal: And they'll tell you that you've just gotta keep hanging on, maaannn.

Pascal gave me some sea view wallpaper and then jumped into the ocean.

A shooting star flew overhead, but it happened while I was in a conversation with Goose. So I had no chance to wish on it. 🙁

I listened in on a conversation between Wolfgang and Eloise, and Wolfgang was being quite rude to Eloise. He said she was looking scraggly today.

Wolfgang: I gotta say, Eloise, you've got a scraggly look going on today...

Eloise stormed off angrily, and I can’t blame her.

Bones has still been sick with a cold, so I gave him more medicine Monday, Wednesday, yesterday, and again today. That’s five doses of medicine he’s had now (including last Friday), so I feel this has been really excessive. Colds shouldn’t last this long in a video game. 😛

I recently posted my latest Wild World video, episode 52. It covers the events of January. I hope you’ll check it out!

See you next time!