Morbid Peanut

On Thursday, I received Goose’s goodbye letter in the mail.

Yo, yo, yo, Jeff! I'm moving! Man, we had a great time chillin' in Forest! I'll think of you when I pump mad iron! Later, yo! -Goose

Even though the UFO didn’t come at the first two opportunities, it surprised me with a visit after I came out of Nook’s shop! Despite not being prepared for it, I was able to chase it down and shoot it out of the sky.

Site of the UFO's crash landing, with Gulliver lying unconscious on the ground.

After I recovered Gulliver’s UFO parts for him, he rewarded me with a mermaid statue. I already had one, so I didn’t need it.

Today, Tom Nook gave me a stomach update.

Tom Nook: I think I may have eaten something that disagreed with me, yes?

Actually he was just continuing his discussion about his previous life in the city, and the bitter memories that were upsetting him. It was about him being unprepared for life in the city, where he kept making errors and lost everything he had.

Wolfgang asked me if I’d rather eat mousse or fish and chips, but before I could answer, he told me that he hates them both.

Wolfgang: Huh? Me? Well, actually... I hate them both! G is for gross, snarrrl!
Who said anything about “G?”

There was another fireworks festival underway, and Peanut said that it would soon be reduced to memories of smoke and ash. And then she started talking about…her own death?

Peanut: I hope people remember me once I'm gone, too... Wow, that's TOTALLY morbid...

And Eloise said she’d like to look down on the fireworks from above.

Eloise: Just once, I'd like to be able to look down on the fireworks exploding!

Sure, why not? She looks down on everybody else. 😆

At the Roost, K.K. Slider sang me a lullaby. And I think it worked, because I ended up taking a nap after I was done playing. 😆

K.K.: All right, get ready to dig the riffs on this ditty: K.K. Lullaby!

Dotty was sick with a cold tonight, so I gave her some medicine.

Goose’s replacement has not moved in yet, but that will surely happen next week. See you then!