Eloise Nearly Crushed by UFO

After starting up the game Wednesday, I ran towards the gate to check for the UFO. Right as I got there, the UFO flew overhead. Perfect timing! I shot it down and heard it crash land. The camera switched to the crash site, and I was surprised to see Eloise already there! It must have narrowly missed her! Wow, what a close call! 😆

Eloise standing directly next to the crash-landed UFO and its unconscious pilot, Gulliver.

I found the UFO and woke up Gulliver. He surmised that I must have dragged him from his ship to save him. But if anyone did, it was Eloise!

Gulliver: You dragged me unconscious from the blazing wreckage of my beloved starship!

He asked me to search for the missing parts of his UFO, and of course I agreed to help out. But I found it interesting that two of the five parts were right next to each other…at Eloise’s house!

Two UFO parts right at Eloise's house.

Eloise must’ve been a UFO magnet that day! Either that, or she started to gather up the parts for Gulliver. 😛 When I returned all the parts, Gulliver gave me a Mouth of Truth. It’s a nice item, but it’s a duplicate. Not what I was hoping for.

Mitzi was still sick with a cold, so I gave her more medicine Wednesday, and then again tonight.

Bones asked me for a fossil tonight, so I gave him an iguanodon tail that I dug up. He only gave me 510 bells for it, but he did call me the “best friend ever.” So that was nice. 🙂

Bones: Wow! You're the best friend ever! Thanks, yip yip! That was so nice!

Eloise asked me what was going on with Wolfgang and Caroline. She said they’re always fighting and trashing each other…

Eloise: They're always fighting and trashing each other.

She said that’s not a relationship, it’s a family. 😆

Eloise: That's not a relationship! That's... That's a family! Toot!