On Wednesday, Peanut told me she was finally over her cold. She was very grateful, but even she couldn’t believe how many times I gave her medicine.

To thank me, she gave me some steel flooring.
Yesterday, Bones informed me that Sable was acting like a space cadet. He wondered why she was more spaced out than he was.

That made me wonder if I’ve been missing out on Sable’s backstory dialogue all this time. I know Tom Nook, Blathers, and the pelican sisters have a lot of that dialogue, but admittedly, I don’t visit Able Sisters much any more. I did befriend her in the early months of my town, but I don’t check in regularly throughout the year.
So I headed over there to see what was going on. But Sable didn’t have much to say, other than to confirm what Bones said.

Mabel said that Sable gets like this each winter. I guess I’ll need to keep checking in on them in the coming weeks.

Today, Caroline was telling me that La-Di-Day is coming up on Saturday (tomorrow). She was confident that she wasn’t going to lose to Bones, because he’s a tone-deaf dweeb!

Don’t call Bones a dweeb, you big-eyed freak! I don’t plan on playing tomorrow, but I wouldn’t have chosen Caroline’s tune anyway since she insulted Bones like that.
Octavian was feeling good, because he finally got a good house score from the HRA.

He got 9,732 points, which may not sound all that high, but it is good for a villager house. That score will probably go down in time, as he displays the random junk I’ll eventually give him (and clears out some of his space stuff).
I’ll be posting my latest Wild World episode (video) this weekend, so keep an eye out for that! See you soon!