On Wednesday, I received my monthly bank statement from town hall. I earned exactly 50,000 bells of interest on my savings this month!

I’m now halfway to the maximum interest payment (99,999 bells), so apparently I’ll need to reach 20 million bells in savings to reach that. That will take me at least a few years, though. Earning money is such a slow process in older Animal Crossing games!
I found Pascal by the shore, and he told me some words of wisdom about selling things.

Yesterday, I heard someone fall into a pitfall, so I looked around. I found my buddy Bones struggling to get out. Aww, poor Bones!

Octavian was home, so I got to see the inside of his house. Much like in other games, he has a bunch of space items and a couple of robo items as well.

Today, Drift gave me a free item; it was a sleigh that he just found lying around.

You don’t think he swiped it when Santa was inside someone’s house delivering presents, do you? I hope not. (Maybe that’s why Wild World doesn’t celebrate Toy Day, because Santa’s sleigh got stolen.)
Peanut has still been sick this week, so I gave her more medicine Wednesday, yesterday, and today. I’m starting to think medicine in this game doesn’t actually help at all.