Saharah was in town on Wednesday, and she asked me to make some deliveries for her. So I delivered some wallpaper to Tom Nook, some wallpaper to Mabel, and some carpeting to Phyllis.
She rewarded me with a blue tarp.
On the bulletin board, I found a new “Talking to Myself” post. The author is considering sending a big cookie to her dad on his birthday. 🍪
Tonight, Caroline was telling me about the meanings of flowers. She said that petunias can either mean “your presence soothes me” or “I totally resent you.”
Interesting. But if it was the latter meaning, then why would you giving that person a flower anyway? 🤔
At the Roost, K.K. Slider performed Go K.K. Rider for me. Good song.
Bones told me there are three things that would turn his house into a “severe place:” Some bubble tea, a harmonica, and him. Sounds good. I wouldn’t mind seeing a dog play the harmonica. 😛
Dotty has been sick lately, so I gave her some medicine Wednesday, yesterday, and again tonight. Get well soon, Dotty!