You Can’t Leave After 1 Week!

When I checked my mail yesterday, I found my weekly evaluation from the HRA (Happy Room Academy). My latest score was 280,900 points: A new record! Putting Dotty’s pic in my space room last week really helped out, even though that wasn’t my intention at all. 😆

Jeff, your room gets 280,900 points! Stylish! Elegant! SASSY! No matter where you look, this is a PERFECT room!!! -Happy Room Academy

Drift was still sick with a cold, so I gave him some medicine. Today, I was on my way to buy him some medicine again, but I arrived at Nookington’s right as Tom Nook was closing up. Oops.

Tom Nook: So, I need you to leave...

That threw me off my routine, and I forgot to check for the UFO at 11:02. And I was unprepared when I heard it flying overhead. However, because I was on the side of town where it entered, I had enough time to grab my slingshot, race across town east to west, and shoot it down! Success!

Gulliver and his crash-landed UFO.

It was my 34th UFO shot down in this game, so my Wild World total has now surpassed my City Folk total. I gathered up the UFO parts (even though the last one took me a while to find), and Gulliver rewarded me with another Moai statue. That’s the same reward I got last time. 🗿

I was surprised when I entered Tank’s house and saw that he was already trying to move out! He’s only been here seven days! That’s way too soon for him to leave, so I talked him out of moving. I haven’t even seen the inside of his house (unpacked) yet!

Tank: My brain's all bamboozled... Maybe I should rethink the whole thing, kerPOW!

If you haven’t seen my latest video episode, here it is. Episode 63:

8 thoughts on “You Can’t Leave After 1 Week!”

  1. Been really enjoying reading through the archives of your Wild World blog. 🙂 It’s my childhood Animal Crossing and this made me realize how much I’ve missed it so I’ve started a new game again after years! Very cool to see that you have Tank- he was one of my first ever villagers so he’s very special to me 🙂

    1. Glad you’re enjoying the blog! Good luck with your new town, and feel free to comment on how your town’s doing from time to time. 🙂

  2. In my Wii U Wild World town, Agent S tried to move out only 4 days after moving in and tried to move out four times in the first month. I still have her in town.

  3. villagers seem to want to leave so quickly in WW! happens to me too. In fact, many things in WW appear to happen quickly. I’ve only been playing for two weeks and i have Nookway, and three villagers have given me their picture!

  4. I’ve noticed that villagers try to leave really quickly in this game :p It kind of seems like everything happens quickly in Wild World! I’ve only been playing for two weeks and I already have three villager pictures, Nookway, and like three villagers have tried to leave! Maybe that’s just strange luck on my part though… I like Tank though, I have him in WW and NH

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