On Wednesday, I made a couple of deliveries for Saharah. I took some carpet over to Tom Nook, and then some wallpaper over to Mabel. Saharah rewarded me with a boxing ring mat.

Drift was still sick on Wednesday, so I gave him some more medicine. By yesterday, he was feeling much better. He gave me some ceramic tile to thank me for the drugs.
Yesterday, Tank wanted to play a quick game of rock, paper, scissors. But we both chose “rock.”

He initially thought he had lost the game, but then he realized it was a draw.
Tonight, I played in the evening when the sky was purple. But I noticed that from a certain distance, the waterfall also looked purple. Pretty cool.

I listened in on a conversation between Bones and Tank, and they were debating who would win if they raced each other. Bones thought Tank would be careless, and would therefore lose the race.

Tank laughed at that suggestion, comparing it to a fairy tale.

Tank was glad that he’s a jock, because he said all “thinkers” are nut jobs.

I’m not sure I would consider lazy villagers to be thinkers, but I wouldn’t consider them nut jobs either. Just don’t insult Bones, man.
Later on, I attended K.K. Slider’s Saturday night concert. I asked for a random song, and he performed Mr. K.K. for me.

How does my Wild World savings balance stack up against my savings accounts in other Animal Crossing games? (Spoiler alert: Not well.) But check out this animated line chart to see how it’s going (and which game it is gaining ground on):
See you next week! Never Stop Crossing!
The music on the savings balance video, is that KK Tango?
As in Tango and Cash!?
Yes, it’s K.K. Tango in the video. I don’t know about Tango and Cash though. Never saw it.