The Flower Fest is underway this week, and Drift warned me not to run on his flowers yesterday.

He said he needs to win the competition, and he actually admitted to sabotaging other people’s flowers.

When I spoke with Tortimer, he just complained about how he was tired and his feet ache. I guess he must not give his normal Flower Fest spiel after a certain time of day.
While villagers will have flowers around their homes, I was surprised that Caroline actually had a purple rose! Maybe having a hybrid flower will help her win the competition?

I played again today. It was a bit earlier in the day, but still just as rainy. Octavian let me know his Flower Fest strategy, which is to scream insults at the flowers until they bloom. Yeah, I’m sure that will work.

When I visited Peanut, she panicked because she didn’t have any makeup on.

But then she tried to play it off like she doesn’t wear makeup. Then why the panic?

Tortimer told me about the Flower Fest today; he will decide a winner on Sunday. I don’t get a vote.

In the meantime, he gave me a white tulip bag. As if a single white tulip would help. But I don’t plan on fixing up flowers outside of my house this year anyway.
Good luck with your flowers, if you’re participating! See you next week.