On Wednesday, Drift was talking about how he enjoyed swimming when he was younger. He wants to get back into it.

But he said maybe he only liked it because he was a tadpole at the time!

I loved this bit of dialogue, for two main reasons. For one thing, it’s so rare to get species-specific dialogue not just in Wild World, but throughout the series. Especially when it’s more than just them mentioning their species.
But also, this bit of dialogue is programmed to list a random sport. If you saw Episode 63, you saw this dialogue, except with baseball mentioned instead. But this time, he mentions swimming, which fits perfectly! He literally had to swim as a tadpole, and doesn’t as a frog. Not since this ACCF screenshot have I seen dialogue fit so perfectly.
May is here now, and I earned 56,000 bells of interest on my banking account balance.
On Thursday, Dotty told me that she’s on a cola diet. She feels like she has to drink ten gallons of cola every day! I don’t think that’s a very good idea, Dotty.

Today, I found Lyle hanging out outside my house again. I spoke with him, just to see what he wanted now. I’ve already purchased all of his scams “insurance” policies, after all. He gave me his questionnaire again, which includes the option to select Redd’s day to visit. So apparently you can change it on a week-by-week basis? I left it on Tuesdays, though. The rest of Lyle’s questionnaire was pointless stuff, but it was nice to not have him bugging me to buy anything else.
The flea market was held today, and Octavian demanded that I go home and clean my “pigsty” of a house! How rude!

He was so sure that he was going to be a guest in my house, but the joke was on him. I had no interest in having him over, so I didn’t go home at all during my session.

But I did participate in the flea market by shopping at my villagers’ homes. Of course, I only looked for cheap items to buy though. However, Dotty refused to sell me this No. 23 shirt because it was a “family heirloom.” Yeah, she’s totally lying.

So I didn’t buy anything from her, and Tank wasn’t being very cooperative either. He wouldn’t sell me either of his bugs or his No. 1 shirt. But he did sell me his tall gongoid for 1,140 bells.
I also bought a life ring from Caroline (310 bells) and an office chair from Bones (280 bells). Bones was so happy that he could use his money to buy some good food. Aw, that made me glad I made the purchase.

I played too early in the day to catch K.K.’s show, but I’m sure I’ll see him again before long. Enjoy your weekend, everyone!