Alkaline Foods

I accidentally listened in on a conversation between Octavian and Tank tonight. Octavian told Tank to not just eat meat, because he needs some veggies too. But rhinos are herbivores, so when exactly does Tank eat meat? šŸ˜†

Octavian: You gotta eat some veggies, man! If you don't, you'll get all alkaline inside!

Tank wondered what happens if he gets ā€œall alkaline inside,ā€ so he asked Octavian to elaborate.

Tank: Alkaline... Yikes. What happens then, kerPOW?

But Octavian couldnā€™t explain, because he only saw it as a headline in a magazineā€¦and he didnā€™t actually read the article. šŸ˜›

Octavian: I was flipping through this magazine and just read this headline about it.
Octavian: I didn't actually read the article.

But the conversation got even weirder when Octavian started ranting that life is all about making your boss feel important? I literally have no idea what he was talking about here. Whoā€™s the boss?

Octavian: It's about making your boss feel important when he's yappin' on and on.

At this point, Tank decided to explain the whole thing about alkaline foods.

Tank: First, there are two kinds of food, alkaline and acidic...

Octavian was mad that Tank actually knew what the whole ā€œalkalineā€ thing was about, after seemingly playing dumb about it.

Octavian: Ugh! So why didn't you say something, smartie-pants? I mean, yip yip!

Octavian stormed off angry. What an odd conversation.

Anyway, Saharah was in town tonight. She asked me to deliver some wallpaper to Mabel and some carpeting to Blathers. I complete both tasks, and there was no third delivery required this time. Saharah then rewarded me with a concrete floor.

Saharah: Do you want a lunar horizon or a concrete floor?
Iā€™ve already had both of these before, so I just picked one.

My buddy Bones was sick with a cold, so of course I gave him some medicine. Get well soon, doggo!

Bones: HACK! HACK! HACK! Thanks. You're awesome.

Drift was trying to move out of town tonight, but I got him to change his mind. I know itā€™s been a while since Iā€™ve willingly let someone move out, so maybe I should consider it at some point soon. But not today.

Iā€™m hoping to have my next Wild World video episode done over the weekend, so keep an eye out for that. Never Stop Crossing!

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