Peanut’s Wet Table

On Wednesday, Drift was looking to exercise (being the jock that he is). And he suggested some group calisthenics! Of course, that reminded me of the group stretching (aka aerobics) in the GameCube game and New Horizons.

Drift: Maybe we could do some group calisthenics together, rrrrribbit!

Yesterday, I shot down Gulliver’s UFO for the 35th time. When I woke Gulliver up, he insulted the shape of my head…and my intelligence as well.

Gulliver: AAAAH! What is that!? Why is its head shaped like that!? And...can it understand me!?

I gathered up his UFO parts for him, and in return, he gave me a plate armor. It was my 4th one.

Peanut gave me a sob story about how broke she is…

Peanut: I was so broke last month that I sold my favorite table to pay the bills.

She said she cried so hard that she made the table all wet.

Peanut: I bawled so hard that I made the table all wet. I'm still regretting it...

Wait, is that the table she sold? How did she make it wet if she already sold it? 🤔 At any rate, I thought she was about to ask me to buy something from her…but she didn’t. 🤷

Caroline asked me to deliver a gift to Bones, and it was an orange jumpsuit. Bones was surprisingly eager to try it on! 😆

Bones: Whoa! This is an authentic orange jumpsuit!

Caroline rewarded me with a plaster wall.

Octavian is the latest villager to be sick, so I gave him some medicine Wednesday and yesterday. By today, he was already over his cold! He said he’s back, and better than ever! I’m glad to see he’s feeling so well, especially so soon!

Octavian: Anyway, I'm back and better than ever.

Caroline was in an especially good mood today. She went on and on about how much she loves this town, and all of her friends here. How cute! 🙂

Caroline: Even though I live alone, I never feel lonely at all because of my friends!

That’s all I have for now, but I’ll be back with more next week. Have a great weekend, everyone! 🙂

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