Squirrel Swap

On Wednesday, I was quite surprised to find a goodbye letter from Peanut in the mail.

Um, like, hi, Jeff, Thanks for being so nice to me in Forest! I'll cherish our memories forever! TOTALLY FOREVER! Sincerely, Peanut

It’s been a while since I’ve had a villager move out without warning (Mitzi was the last one, in February). And like Mitzi, Peanut had become one of my favorites. Peanut was probably my #2 in town, behind Bones, in fact. She grew on me a lot during her 3-year stay. I’m sad to see her go. 🙁

I also received a letter from the postal division at town hall, telling me I earned 58,200 bells of interest this month.

When I visited Tank, he was flattered that I visited him so late at night…even though it was only 6 p.m.! He also said he thought I’d appreciate the musk of his room? He’s an odd dude sometimes. 😛

Tank: If anyone would appreciate this room's powerful musk... that person'd be you!

Yesterday, I found a new house in town. Peanut’s replacement has moved in already?! Another squirrel was inside, Filbert. He’s not bad, but he’s no Peanut.

Filbert: Hi, nice to meet you. I'm Filbert, bucko.

Today, I got to see the inside of Filbert’s house now that he is fully unpacked. He has some kiddie furniture, a couple of cacti, a couple of gyroids, a robo-dresser, a satellite, and a TV.

The inside of Filbert's house in Animal Crossing: Wild World.

Drift asked me to deliver a letter to Tank, and I agreed to help out. Tank really enjoyed the letter, even saying that Drift should be a stand-up comic!

Tank: Lemme tell you, that animal could be a stand-up comic! Check it out!

He showed me the letter, and I didn’t exactly agree with his assessment. 😛

Hey, Tank, Ha HA! Your letter made me laugh 'til my abs hurt! Reggae will be our victory theme!

Oh well. At least Tank enjoyed it. Drift later rewarded me with 510 bells. What a surprise. 😛

Of course, it’s June now…so many summer bugs are now available. I caught my first goliath beetle of the year tonight. Good luck if you’re out there bug hunting!

I caught the goliath beetle!

At town hall, I found a train set in the recycle bin. Finding furniture here seems less common than it does in City Folk, but I’ll gladly take some free items once in a while!

Have a great weekend, everyone! I’ll see you next time! 🙂

2 thoughts on “Squirrel Swap”

  1. Sad to see Peanut go, though it is funny that her replacement is Filbert. I currently have him in my WW town, while Peanut’s in my GCN one.

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