Sore Loser

Yesterday, I was surprised to find a goodbye letter from Dotty in the mail. She moved out without warning.

Dearest Jeff, I've moved! Yeah, this lame town was TOTALLY cramping my style. I'll see you around! Bye! -From Dotty

She lived in Forest for just over a year. I didn’t really want her to leave, but reading her goodbye letter made me not mind so much. πŸ˜›

By the shore, I found Pascal. He was telling me about the crazy things people do at the beach…like use metal detectors.

Pascal: People, maaannn. They do the craziest stuff at the beach.
Pascal: One time, I saw this dude waving this metal stick over the ground.

Pascal then handed me a barrel, and jumped into the ocean.

Eloise wanted to compete to see who could catch a darner dragonfly first, and I was up to the challenge. Eloise swore she’d never lose to “a loser” like me.

Eloise: Tee hee! I'll never lose to a loser like you!

Except that she did lose. She took my dragonfly and rewarded me with a regal wall. She blamed her loss on her absence of opposable thumbs. πŸ™„

Eloise: I lost to you?! Those opposable thumbs you have really help, huh?

I caught a flea that was on Drift, and he did not seem to appreciate it.

Drift: Hey! What did you do that for, huh? I coulda handled it myself!

Over at town hall, I found a gold armor suit in the recycle bin.

Today, I saw what looked like a shark fin in the water. But the fin actually belonged to an ocean sunfish instead. They’re not worth as much as sharks, but it’s still satisfying to pull a fish this big out of the water.

I caught an ocean sunfish! Don't look directly at it!

Caroline came down with a cold, so I gave her some medicine yesterday and again today. Get well soon, Caroline!

Caroline: Ahhh... I can feel all the toxins draining from my body.

I spotted a birdwing (butterfly) near the beach, but it seemed to fly out over the ocean before I could catch it. I tried walking back and forth along the shore to look for it, but then I spotted a banded dragonfly! I chased it down, but I lost it when it flew into a group of trees. It’s disappointing to lose two rare bugs back-to-back like that. But at least I caught that ocean sunfish, I suppose.

See you next week!

Filbert Being Weird

Believe it or not, I actually remembered to play on Monday for Caroline’s birthday. πŸ˜† First, I stopped at Nookington’s to buy her a present (an extinguisher). 🧯 Then I went to the party…and Dotty was there too. Last week, Dotty hinted that she was the one throwing the party for Caroline, and maybe she actually did! (Or more likely, it’s just a coincidence, but I’ll give her the benefit of the doubt.)

Caroline, at her birthday party: Thanks! You've both made this a really special day. I think I'm going to cry!

Caroline seemed to love the extinguisher, oddly enough. (And if she accidentally starts a fire while lighting her candles, we’ve got that covered.)

Caroline: I've wanted one of these for so long now! I don't know how to thank you!

It looks like the party was a big success. Happy birthday, Caroline!

Saharah was in town, and I helped her out by making deliveries to Mabel, Pelly, and Tom Nook. Saharah then rewarded me with a western vista.

Yesterday, I listened in on a conversation between Filbert and Octavian. And wow, Filbert is one weird squirrel. He kept telling Octavian to breathe on him.

Filbert: Hey, I know! Would you do me a favor and breathe on me, bucko?

Octavian obliged, and Filbert said that Octavian smelled like his grandpa. These conversations are so insane. πŸ˜†

Filbert: ...DUDE! You smell exactly like my grandpa, bucko!

Octavian then asked Filbert if his grandpa ate liver and onions every day. Well, I guess that explains the mystery. Yuck. πŸ˜›

Octavian: You're weird, Filbert. Did your grandpa eat liver and onions every day?!

Eloise was still sick on Monday, so I gave her some more medicine. But by yesterday, she was finally feeling better. She thanked me for the help by giving me a broken post.

Eloise: Please take my broken post!

Today, Filbert was talking about bugs, and how magical they are.

Filbert: I think bugs are sooo magical, bucko.

He even said that spiders are like wizards, but with more legs. πŸ€” See, I told you this guy is weird. πŸ˜›

Filbert: It's like some kind of wizard, but with more legs!

He wanted to compete to see who could catch a spider first, but I declined. Catching a spider involves shaking trees, usually lots of trees, and probably getting stung by multiple bees in the process. No thanks. Maybe another time.

Nookington’s had an Arwing (from Star Fox) as a spotlight item today, which is cool. But I’ve already bought one before, so I didn’t need it.

Tank’s Tune

On Thursday night, I saw a large fish shadow in the river, and I thought it might be an eel. (Eel shadows aren’t as thin in this game as they are in later games.) But apparently, this one was still too wide to be an eel…because it was an arapaima instead! I was happy to be wrong about it. πŸ˜†

I caught an arapaima! It's big...and kinda gross!

Dotty shared some “Dotty news” with me: July 15th is Caroline’s birthday. Wait, how is that Dotty news? πŸ˜› Apparently she’s throwing the party for Caroline.

Dotty: Big Dotty news! July 15th is Caroline's birthday!

I’m not sure if I’ll play Monday or not, but I’ll give you an update in next week’s entry if I do.

Yesterday, I shot down Gulliver’s UFO.

Gulliver lying unconscious on the ground in front of his UFO.

As I was speaking with him, one of his UFO parts spawned just behind his ship. Of course, this wasn’t the first time this has happened, but it is kinda funny to just see it magically appear out of nowhere.

A UFO part spawns as Gulliver thanks me for my help.

I picked it up, and I gathered the other missing parts as well. When I gave them all to Gulliver, he rewarded me with another Moai statue. That’s my 4th one overall, including three of my last five rewards from him! If he keeps this up, I could make my own Easter Island. πŸ—ΏπŸ—ΏπŸ—ΏπŸ—Ώ

At town hall, I found a robo-chair in the recycle bin.

Today is La-Di-Day, and several of my villagers offered to sing me a song, hoping for it to be used as the new town tune. Filbert was the first one, and his song sounded boring, to be honest. It was only six notes, then a delay, and one final note.

Filbert: Huh huh huh! Well, that could have gone better... What did you think?

Octavian sang a song too, and his was better…but still not good enough. Caroline also performed a song, but it was one I’ve already had before. She didn’t handle the rejection well, and she was afraid that she was going to get voted out of town now. πŸ˜›

Caroline: Oh, no! Does this mean the judges are going to vote me out of the village?

But then Tank also performed a song, and it sounded very familiar to me. I’m not sure if it’s from a Mario game or something else, but I’m sure I’ve heard it before. Maybe you recognize it?

Update: Thanks to Nozua, I know what the tune is: K.K. Comrade!

I hired Tank, and that is my new town tune. He was thrilled to have his song chosen.

Tank: See, fans like you are why I can't ever give up on a music career, yip yip!

Eloise has still been sick with a cold this week, so I gave her some more medicine Thursday, yesterday, and again today. She said she’s starting to feel a little better, but I hope she gets over it quickly.

Tonight, I found another item in the recycle bin: A T-rex skull! πŸ¦–

I’ll be back with more next week. Hope to see you then!