Legend of Caroline

On Wednesday, I received my latest Happy Room Academy evaluation in the mail. Putting Octavian’s pic in my bedroom has boosted my HRA score to 284,100 points. That’s a new personal best for me.

Jeff, your room gets 284,100 points! You've completed the mush series! That took determination. -Happy Room Academy

I also received my monthly bank statement from the postal division at town hall. I earned exactly 60,000 bells of interest for the past month.

When I spoke with Dotty, she told me that she looked “SUPER BEAUTIFUL,” (and yes, in all caps). I thought she was going to explain why she felt that way, but she didn’t. 🤷

Dotty: I look SUPER BEAUTIFUL, don't I, wee one?

Saharah was in town, and she asked me to help out with her deliveries. So I took a carpet package over to Blathers, and a wall package to Pelly. Saharah then rewarded with a blue tarp.

Saharah: Do you want a blue tarp or a sandlot?

Caroline later told me that she was going to collect furniture until she’s unstoppable.

Caroline: Hon, I've decided to collect furniture until I'm unstoppable!

This reminded me of the recent Legend of Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom trailer, in which Zelda can recreate “echoes” of furniture she’s encountered, like wooden boxes, tables, and chairs. So Zelda is basically collecting furniture until she’s unstoppable, just like Caroline suggested! 😆

Selecting a table from a list of furniture.
Screenshot from the Zelda: Echoes of Wisdom trailer.

Yesterday, I was trying to catch a lantern fly…I got into position, swung the net, and…

Swinging the net and missing the lantern fly...but still catching a bug?

It was weird: I heard the sound of me catching the bug, but I also heard the sound of the bug flying away! I wondered if the lantern fly glitched into Schrödinger’s cat by simultaneously escaping and being caught. 😆 But the reality wasn’t as interesting: I had simply caught a mosquito, which I didn’t know was there, while the lantern fly escaped. Oh well.

Today, Eloise was sick with a cold. So of course, I gave her some medicine. Get well soon!

It was raining, and Tank said it was coming down as hard as he sweats. That’s not a pleasant mental image.

Tank: It's raining as hard as I sweat, yip yip!

He went on to tell me that walking is good for you…and that his body is amazing.

Tank: Man alive, hon! The animal body is amazing...especially mine!

Okay, that’s enough of him for today. Tanks anyway. 😆

See you next week!