Sore Loser

Yesterday, I was surprised to find a goodbye letter from Dotty in the mail. She moved out without warning.

Dearest Jeff, I've moved! Yeah, this lame town was TOTALLY cramping my style. I'll see you around! Bye! -From Dotty

She lived in Forest for just over a year. I didn’t really want her to leave, but reading her goodbye letter made me not mind so much. 😛

By the shore, I found Pascal. He was telling me about the crazy things people do at the beach…like use metal detectors.

Pascal: People, maaannn. They do the craziest stuff at the beach.
Pascal: One time, I saw this dude waving this metal stick over the ground.

Pascal then handed me a barrel, and jumped into the ocean.

Eloise wanted to compete to see who could catch a darner dragonfly first, and I was up to the challenge. Eloise swore she’d never lose to “a loser” like me.

Eloise: Tee hee! I'll never lose to a loser like you!

Except that she did lose. She took my dragonfly and rewarded me with a regal wall. She blamed her loss on her absence of opposable thumbs. 🙄

Eloise: I lost to you?! Those opposable thumbs you have really help, huh?

I caught a flea that was on Drift, and he did not seem to appreciate it.

Drift: Hey! What did you do that for, huh? I coulda handled it myself!

Over at town hall, I found a gold armor suit in the recycle bin.

Today, I saw what looked like a shark fin in the water. But the fin actually belonged to an ocean sunfish instead. They’re not worth as much as sharks, but it’s still satisfying to pull a fish this big out of the water.

I caught an ocean sunfish! Don't look directly at it!

Caroline came down with a cold, so I gave her some medicine yesterday and again today. Get well soon, Caroline!

Caroline: Ahhh... I can feel all the toxins draining from my body.

I spotted a birdwing (butterfly) near the beach, but it seemed to fly out over the ocean before I could catch it. I tried walking back and forth along the shore to look for it, but then I spotted a banded dragonfly! I chased it down, but I lost it when it flew into a group of trees. It’s disappointing to lose two rare bugs back-to-back like that. But at least I caught that ocean sunfish, I suppose.

See you next week!

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