Tank’s Secret Admirer

Yesterday, I listened in on a revealing conversation between Filbert and Caroline. Filbert started it out by asking who she thinks he will end up marrying!

Filbert: Um, Caroline...who do you think I'm gonna end up marrying?

Naturally, Caroline was confused as to why Filbert would be asking her. How would she know??

Caroline: You are, like, soooo creepy sometimes, Filbert.

Filbert felt like he had to get married, but Caroline told him she didn’t think he was the marrying kind.

Caroline: I don't really think you're, uh, the marrying kind... hulaaaa.

At town hall, Phyllis had some dialogue for me…and it some some that I’ve never seen before! She told me how she recently told Tortimer that he’s old! 😆

Phyllis: Yes, well, you are getting up there in age.

But she lucked out, because Tortimer apparently didn’t hear her.

Phyllis: But if he did... Phew! I bet he'd fire me in a heartbeat!

Even though she didn’t get fired, it made her reconsider being honest in the future. 😛

Phyllis: Telling the truth is something that you should really think twice about...

Today, Tank showed me a letter he got from a supposed secret admirer. They compared Tank’s skin to Muenster cheese from the heavens?! I hope he doesn’t really believe this is from an actual secret admirer, because this has got to be a joke. 😆

My dearest Tank, Your skin is as luminous as Muenster cheese, sliced fresh daily in the deli of the heavens. -Your Secret Admirer

When I visited Truffles, she told me it was nice to sit at home and pig out on flan. 😆

Truffles: Hi there! Sometimes, it's nice to sit at home and pig out on flan!

I’ve already been getting some accidental pig puns in City Folk lately, so getting more in Wild World is a nice little bonus.

Groin Cramp?

When I played on Tuesday, I got my weekly HRA score in the mail. Filbert’s pic has boosted my house score again, and I’m now up to 290,500 points.

I saw a large fish shadow in the river, and I fished out a dorado!

Whoa! A golden fish...!?

I knew it was a rare and valuable fish, but I didn’t realize how much it sold for: 15,000 bells! Nice! 😎 Later, I also caught a giant snakehead…which only sold for 5,500 bells.

Yesterday, I spoke with Drift in the morning. With a smile on his face, he told me about his…groin cramp?! I didn’t see that conversation coming.

Drift: Morning! They say the early bird gets the worm.
Drift: All I got was this lousy groin cramp, rrrrribbit!

Saharah was in town, and she needed my help making some deliveries. So I took some wallpaper over to Pelly (for Phyllis), and then I took some carpeting to Tom Nook. Saharah then rewarded me with a shoji screen.

Caroline looks on as Saharah says "Ah, yes! That is very rare!"

When I checked the recycle bin at town hall, I was shocked to find a computer in there! Who throws away a computer? Well, it’s mine now. 😛

Finding a computer in the recycle bin at town hall.

Today, it was raining in Forest. Octavian offered me “a little somethin’-somethin’.”

Octavian: Right now, I'm holding a little somethin'-somethin'.

He wanted me to pay 940 bells for it, without even giving me a clue as to what it was. I wasn’t interested, because I figured it was probably an overpriced shirt. 😛

Meanwhile, Truffles called the rain “mean.”

Truffles: Oh, boy, I don't usually say this about ANYTHING, but rain is so mean!

But Tank had the weirdest dialogue of the day. He told me he had just rammed his head into a tree, and he hallucinated seeing a fight between an alien and Eloise in a leotard. I think you may need to see a doctor, Tank.

Tank: It was a space alien! ...And Eloise was fighting it in a leotard!

If you haven’t seen the Youtube Short I posted recently, here it is. It’s me scaring tree bugs away…and then catching them.

Filbert’s Pic

I received my latest Happy Room Academy evaluation today, and my score was up to 287,300 points. The increase is due to the addition of Tank’s pic from last week.

Speaking of villager photos, I was surprised with another one today…from Filbert, of all people! He has only lived in town for two months, so this one was especially surprising!

Filbert: Now, I only give my picture to my bestest friends ever!

I took it home to put it in my house, but of course, space is still limited. I put it on the floor, in front of Tank’s pic.

Filbert's pic in Animal Crossing: Wild World (ACWW).
Just watch out for that horn!

His favorite quote is on the back of the photo. It says “Don’t go nuts or anything.”

Eloise was finally over her cold, and she thanked me for all the medicine by giving me some blue flooring.

Eloise: Thank you, sunshine, from the bottom of my heart.
Aww, you’re welcome, Eloise.

As I figured, Bones asked me for some lovely furniture tonight (as he’s been doing lately). I gave him the lovely loveseat that I found in the recycle bin last week; he loved it!

Bones: Whoa! I can't believe it! A lovely loveseat! Yip yip!

He gave me 510 bells in return. I wondered if he would put it out right away, so I quickly left and re-entered his house. Sure enough, he set it out and I put it to good use.

Jeff sits on Bones's new lovely loveseat.
Look, Bones! A huh huh huh…I’m sitting!

I’ve been practicing a useless skill related to bug-catching…and I’ll show it off in a Youtube Shorts video next week. But in the meantime, check out my latest Wild World episode, #67:

See you next week! Never Stop Crossing! 🙂