New Pig’s Secret Plan

Yesterday, I received my monthly bank statement from town hall. I received 61,700 bells of interest for this past month. 💰

I found a new house where Peanut recently lived (on the beach at the eastern wall). So Dotty’s replacement has moved in, and my new neighbor is…Truffles the pig.

Truffles: Hi there! I'm Truffles!

She’s definitely not the cutest villager around, but she seems nice so far.

Octavian pinged me and said we should have a secret-friend password. He suggested that I say “freaky,” and he responds with “sasquatch.”

Octavian: Like you say, freaky, and I say sasquatch...

I guess I wasn’t fully paying attention, because I thought he was asking for a catchphrase, not a greeting. So I told him to say “freaky,” since I thought that was one of his suggestions…and he said it sounded weird to him. 😆

Octavian: Freaky! ...Whoa. Sounds kinda weird to me.
Well you suggested it! Even if it was supposed to be my line, not yours.

Today, I visited Truffles and she reminded me that the first fireworks festival of the year is tomorrow night.

Truffles: Tomorrow! The Fireworks Show is TOMORROW, snoutie!

Wild World actually has five fireworks festivals this year! Unfortunately, the later games only have four again (since there are only four Sundays in August this year, but five Saturdays).

Anyway, Truffles told me her secret plan to get close to cute boys during the show. She said that since the fireworks are so loud, she can’t hear what the boy is saying…so she has a good excuse to scoot closer and closer.

Truffles: So, you scoot a li'l closer to him. And a li'l closer...

Consequently, I don’t plan on playing this weekend. 😆 She’ll have to scoot closer to someone else. 😛

Eloise is my latest villager to get sick with a cold, so I gave her a dose of medicine. Get well soon!

At town hall, I found a blue table in the recycle bin.

Have you ever thought about what Wild World has in common with each of the other Animal Crossing games? It has the most in common with City Folk, of course, but it also has some co-exclusive features with the other games too. Please check out my latest video, which is my 1,000th Youtube video, to find out more:

I’ll be back with another entry next week. Have a great weekend, and Never Stop Crossing!