Soda Water Expert

On Tuesday, Octavian surprised me by telling me that he can’t stand Pete! What did he ever do to you?

Octavian: Grr... You know that Pete guy? I can't stand him! Yip yip!

He said if I wanted to know why, I had to go to town hall and find out for myself. This was just his way of letting me know Pelly or Phyllis had some new dialogue about Pete, apparently. Pelly was talking about the slap mark on Pete’s face, which of course is dialogue I’ve seen before.

Wednesday, Bones was telling me about a movie he saw recently. He said it was about a guy who shampooed his hair with milk. 🤔

Bones: I saw this movie yesterday about a guy who shampooed with milk.

He said it was one of his top-ten favorite movies ever. I bet the movie studio is already planning on milking it to make a sequel. I’m sure the series will be a big cash cow. 🐄

Remember my short video about catching bugs after scaring them away? I was asked on Youtube recently (by bok1791) if it only works with a golden net. I tested it out yesterday, and I can confirm it works with a regular net as well.

Today, I was surprised when Truffles enthusiastically told me that I should become a soda water expert. Wait, what?

Truffles: OMIGOSH! You should totally become a professional soda water expert!

It turns out, she was just practicing her acting skills. Does this mean I should give up my dream of becoming a soda water expert? 🙁

Truffles: Most actresses these days are just a pretty face.
Truffles: But I'm so much more than that. It's all in the eyes!

She tried to convince me that she’s more than just a pretty face. (No, she’s less.)

And not to be outdone, Eloise had something almost as ridiculous to say: She said that she doesn’t think fossils mind being dug up by her. 😆

Eloise: I don't think fossils feel bad about being dug up by me, tooooot.

At least her statement is actually true. It’s just a weird way of looking at things. 😛

Filbert has been sick with a cold, so I gave him some medicine Wednesday, Thursday, and again today.

Filbert: Hack... Hack... Oh, whoooa... My legs are as wobbly as grape jelly, yip yip.

Get well soon, little guy!

Gracie was in town today, but I didn’t even bother to talk to her. How bad of me. 😛 Have a great weekend, everyone! I’ll see you next time!

Tortimer’s Pride

On Wednesday, I received my monthly bank statement in the mail. I earned 63,750 bells this month.

Truffles noticed that I was wearing the same shirt that she saw me in last week, so she asked if I had any other clothes to change into. I replied with “Fresh clothes?” and she was grossed out that I seemingly didn’t know what clean clothes were. 😆😆

Truffles: EWWWWW, sunshine! Just.... EWWWWWWW!
A pig (who rolls around in mud) is shaming me for wearing dirty clothes. Classic.

Moments later, I listened in on a conversation between Filbert and Tank. Filbert was saying that the two of them look alike, act alike, and are both…in love with themselves?

Filbert: Which means we must both be totally in love with ourselves, right?

Tank did not agree with that assessment at all.

Tank: Jerk!!! I've been telling you NO! That's not what I'm like, yip yip!

Yesterday, I decided to (finally) change my town flag from the default one, by making a very minor change to it. But the first step was to get the pattern of the existing flag from Booker. I never really thought about what the default pattern was, but now I can see it’s a turtle shell. The giveaway was the name of the pattern, Tortimer’s Pride.

The Tortimer's Pride pattern (default town flag) in Animal Crossing: Wild World.

I wanted to remove the center part and put an “F” in the middle (for Forest, of course). It doesn’t look great, but this is what I’m going with for now. It’s still a turtle shell though, so I’ll let Tortimer think he’s still the mayor. 😉 Maybe I’ll give it a more dramatic overhaul at some point in the future.

Forest's new flag. Is this correct?

I found Pascal near the shore, and his words of wisdom actually made me laugh this time. This is definitely one of his better quotes. 😆

Pascal: Some fish vacation in rivers. They say it's a breath of fresh water, man.

He gave me another barrel before he took a dive into the ocean.

Today, Caroline had fleas on her. I tried to catch them, but I kept talking to her repeatedly by mistake. 😀 But I did eventually catch the flea, and Caroline blamed the fleas on Truffles!

Caroline: Oh, no, hulaaaa! ...This is Truffles's doing, isn't it?

The best part is that she now wanted revenge on Truffles! Go for it! 😆

Caroline: But thank you so much for your help, sunshine! Now, to plot my revenge!

As for Truffles, she was actually trying to move out of town today! Even though I’m not a big fan of her, I figured she deserved to stick around at least a little longer. Her day will come, but I’ll keep her around for now.