Sausages Strike Back

I listened in on a conversation between Eloise and Bones today. Eloise told Bones his shirt was too tight, and she said he looked like an overstuffed sausage! 😮

Eloise: You look like an overstuffed sausage, and I, for one, am offended!

That comment made Bones sad, and he said maybe he ate too many poached pears yesterday. Eloise asked what I thought, and I said Bones’s shirt was fine. She didn’t like that I sided with Bones, and she implied that I was an overstuffed sausage too!

Eloise: So maybe the overstuffed sausage look IS in, tooooot.

Bones was actually happy that she said the overstuffed sausage look was in, because that meant he could eat even more. 😛

Bones: I better get on that and start gobbling lots of rice pudding!

However, I wasn’t as willing to overlook Eloise’s rude comments so quickly. After I found the day’s pitfall seed, I planted it just for Eloise. Don’t mess with Bones, or me. 😛

Eloise, holding a shovel, struggles to get out of a pitfall.

I’m starting to think Eloise may have overstayed her welcome here in Forest. I may consider letting her go the next time she tries to move out.

When I visited Octavian, he was laughing and I didn’t know why. I replied with “Are you hurt?” and he angrily said he was trying to sneeze…and I distracted him.

Octavian: Jeff! What's the big idea? I was about to sneeze

I didn’t want an octopus sneezing in my face! (Not that I knew he was trying to sneeze.)

Truffles asked me to deliver a letter to Bones, and I agreed to help out. She told him to never give up on his dreams, and he really liked the letter.

Bones: Huh huh huh. Letters really soothe the heart. Almost as much as pizza.

When I returned to Truffles, she thanked me for making the delivery. But she didn’t give me a reward! Apparently it’s because my pockets were full. She didn’t say a thing about it, though! I’ll probably get her reward in the mail next time.

Over at town hall, I put 100k into my savings account. My balance just reached 13 million bells.

Pelly: The current bell balance is 13,000,000.

I hope to see you all next time!

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