Arguing Over Hiccups

On Wednesday, I was disappointed to find a goodbye letter from Octavian in the mail. He squid-daddled without giving me a chance to say goodbye.

Bye, Jeff, Due to circumstances out of my control, I had to move. Yeah, I know. Lame. Now STOP CRYING! Geez! Bye, chump. -Octavian
Goodbye, but I’m sure I’ll sea you again someday.

By yesterday, his replacement had already moved in! It’s Curt the cranky bear, or “Curt the hot-blooded,” as he called himself. I’ve never really cared for Curt.

Curt: I'm Curt the Hot-Blooded.

Today, Whitney was surprised by how late it was (as if 6 p.m. is late), and her jaw dropped. She held this pose for several seconds (until I hit the button), which looked pretty funny. 😆

Whitney, dropping her jaw: Oh, jeez! How'd it get to be 6 o'clock already?

She asked me to deliver a letter to Curt, but then she said never mind (because I didn’t have space for another letter). So I cleaned out some letter space and talked to her again. She again asked me to deliver a letter…but this time it was to Drift, not Curt! So I took the letter over, and Drift let me see it. Whitney actually signed it as “Princess Whitney!” 😆

Oh no, Drift! I write this during one of my walks. It's hard! I eat paella 'cause it has collagen. -Princess Whitney

When I returned to Whitney, she rewarded me with a stone wall.

Saharah was in town today, and I helped her out with two deliveries. I took some carpet packages to Pelly and Blathers. Saharah offered me a music room wall or a music room floor; I took the former.

Curt had all his furniture unpacked today, so I got to take a look at his house. He was watching a game on TV.

The inside of Curt's house.

Outside, I listened in on a conversation between Caroline and Drift. They were arguing about hiccups, of all things!

Caroline: I always get nervous, and then I start to hiccup and I just can't stop!

Caroline hates them, and Drift loves them of course. This is just classic WW/CF era wackiness at its best.

Drift: Whoa! Why would you want to get rid of the hiccups, Caroline?

At Nookington’s, Tom Nook had some special dialogue for me. Even though I’ve seen multiple parts of this story before (so I haven’t mentioned the repeat parts), I don’t think I’ve seen the part I saw today. Tom Nook said that he has given up his dream of opening a select shop in the city. Apparently Sable talked him out of it.

Tom Nook: I was very fortunate to have level-headed Sable there to set me straight...

He values her friendship, but he admitted that her wisdom frustrates him.

Tom Nook: We've been friends for a long time, but her wisdom occasionally frustrates me.

Anyway, Filbert has been sick with a cold lately. So I gave him some medicine yesterday, and then again today.

Have a great weekend, everyone! I’ll see you next time.

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