Bright Nights 2025

As I started up the game tonight, I was greeted with a notice that said the Bright Nights are underway.

Hey, everybody! The Bright Nights are here!

A letter from the postal division at town hall arrived in the mail, informing me that I earned 72,300 bells in interest this month. Nice!

When I visited Curt, he told me he was over his cold and feeling better than ever. He thanked me for the medicine by giving me a classic table. I also noticed that he moved his furniture so that the left half of his house was completely empty.

Curt's house with all of his furniture on the right side.

So both he, and his house, are now all right.

Each villager’s house is decorated with festive lights for Bright Nights, as are many cedar trees around town. This is Filbert’s house.

Filbert's house lit up for Bright Nights 2025.

And each villager (at least the ones that are outdoors) will boast about their lights, suggesting that their house is the best one in town.

Filbert: Huh huh huh! My house is all aglow, like a starry night sky! Isn't it pretty?

My buddy Bones wanted to hear how great his house looked, and he asked me to tell Tortimer about it.

Bones: Hey, champ! Doesn't my house look all sparkly?

So I went over to check out his house. Of course, all of the homes look pretty much the same. But for me, the differentiating factor is generally the number of lit-up trees near the house. Bones actually had three decorated trees near his house, although I could only fit two of them on-screen at a time.

Animated GIF of the festive lights on Bones's house during Bright Nights.

And that’s about as good as it gets. So I went back to town hall and told Tortimer that Bones was my choice for the winner.

Tortimer: Hm, Dones you say? Well, I can see how you would pick that one.

After that, I had to go tell Bones the good news. He said that Tank sneered at his work and called him a hack, but Bones was very happy that I appreciated his decorations. Awww.

Bones: I'm glad YOU appreciate what I've done, for a bite!

I’d call this a successful Bright Nights festival! The event runs through Sunday, though, so you still have time if you haven’t played it yet!

I’ll see you next time. Never Stop Crossing!

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