It’s official: The snow has melted, and we can see green grass once again! I celebrated by taking off my helmet for the first time in months.

Of course, the lack of snow means there are no snowballs around either. But I don’t think Drift got the message, because he was still asking me to catch a dung beetle for him! That’s impossible!

Saharah was in town, and she asked me to deliver some wallpaper to Mabel over at Able Sisters.

While I was there, I bought that flame shirt. I know it’s just the start of spring, not summer, but I figured it would help warm things up a bit.
Saharah also asked me to deliver some carpeting to Blathers. When I was done, Saharah rewarded me with a shoji screen.
Yesterday, I shot down Gulliver’s UFO for the 3rd time in 2025.

When I gathered up the missing UFO parts and returned them, Gulliver rewarded me with a compass. Unfortunately, that’s the 5th time he has given me a compass. At this point, I think he needs to use the compass himself, to navigate to a better gift shop.
Tonight, Truffles asked me for a new outfit. I was standing right next to Able Sisters, so I decided to pop in and buy her something. I picked out a diamond shirt for her. (Imagine that, a pig wearing diamonds.) To my surprise, she actually liked it! She rewarded me with a doctor’s mirror. Maybe I should take a moment to reflect on both gifts.

I tried it on, but it looked kinda creepy…like my eye was missing or falling out.

I promptly took it off and sold it.
When I went into town hall, I found a blue retro shirt in the recycle bin. After that, I wrapped up my game for the night (and the month). I hope to see you all next week!