Leggy Wizard

Jeremiah asked me to catch a pill bug for him tonight, and I agreed to help out. He said pill bugs are like wizards, just with more legs. I guess, but that would be one ugly wizard.

Jeremiah: It's like some kind of wizard, but with more legs!

So I went around banging rocks, and I eventually caught a leggy wizard for him. But once I took it back to him, he basically said nevermind, because he already caught one! What??

Jeremiah: Whoa... That wasn't easy! But I already got the pill bug!

I don’t recall ever having this happen before. He didn’t even show me the pill bug to prove it. When I “win” the competition, I always have to give him the bug to prove I won, so where’s my proof that he won? So I got no prize for all that work. And to make things worse, he started gloating!

Jeremiah: But beating you is really making me happy, in a pond!

When I spoke to him again, he wanted me to catch him a migratory locust. No way!

When I ran into Curly, he told me he was exhausted from gardening all day.

Curly: You know how I like to garden... Well, I did it all day and I'm beat!And he wasn’t just saying that; it was true! His house was surrounded by flowers, none of them wilted. And these were not here the last time I played.

Curly's flower garden.

Bree asked me for a new greeting, so I told her to say “I’m annoying.”

Bree: I'm annoying, huh? Are you sure about that?
Oh, I’m sure.

Crazy Redd was in town (after not being here last week, due to the Acorn Festival), and he had a lovely painting for sale. I didn’t need it, though.

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