Talking Machine

Curly has officially moved out of Forest; I received his goodbye letter in the mail today.

Hoo-ha, Jeff, I'm moving. I have my reasons. No worries, yo! I'm sure you'll remember me fondly. Keep pumpin'! See ya! -From Curly

Big Top was talking about the points machine in Tom Nook’s shop. In particular, he was amazed that it talks. He even wondered who was inside of the machine! I guess Big Top really hasn’t been keeping up with technology.

Big Top: That huge machine in Tom Nook's shop talks! It talks!
Big Top: Who's the unlucky slob they stuck inside that thing, baconballs?
Maybe Curly is inside.

I found a note in a bottle on the beach, and it contained a word puzzle.

Word Puzzle. FISH. DISH. DISK. What comes next?
Umm… DICK?

It was almost 11:00 p.m. at this point, so I rushed to Nook’s shop to sell two bees I caught last time. They earned me a total of 9,000 bells, and Nook kicked me out right after the transaction.

Just outside of Crazy Redd’s tent, I ran into Bree. She told me about a girl in the town where she used to live. The girl had weeds in her yard and garbage everywhere. Bree implied that she might have done something to her, if she still lived in that town. She then stopped before getting into specifics, but she admitted that she’s so mean that she scares herself.

Bree: No, I can't say any more. Sometimes I'm so mean, I scare myself, cheeseball!
If it wasn’t clear already, Bree is definitely the town villain now.

Rosie was still sick, so I gave her some medicine once again.

It was snowing in town, so that saved me from having to water any flowers. That’s always helpful. Gaston compared the snow to a sea of vanilla ice cream. Mmm, sounds good.

Gaston: It's like a sea of vanilla ice cream out here, mon chou!

That’s all I have for now, but I’ll be posting a new episode of my ACWW video series on Youtube tomorrow! I hope you’re all having a good holiday season! See you next time. 🙂

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