Jeremiah’s Scary Story

Teddy told me he’s been having some problems with his muscles clenching up lately. He said he couldn’t bear to miss any workouts.

Teddy: I can't BEAR to miss any workouts 'cause of this! Get it?

Rosie was being unusually rude tonight. She said I was boring, and she told me to stop boring her! She wanted to visit my house, but I declined her request.

Rosie: I'm bored! Talking to you is boring. STOP BORING ME! ...Wait, J-bot!

Jeremiah asked me if I wanted to hear a “scary story,” and I said yes. So he said that putting java into grilled salmon produces the flavor of lemon ice!

Jeremiah: Putting java into grilled salmon...
Jeremiah: Produces the flavor of lemon ice, baconballs!

Yeah, I don’t think that’s true. It sounds fishy. 😉 And I’m definitely not going to give it a try. 😛

Crazy Redd had the lovely painting for sale, but I didn’t need it.

Big Top tried to move out of town again, and I changed his mind for him.

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