Wild Wet West

Wendell the starving artist was in town today, so I caught a fish to give him. It turned out to be a crucian carp, and he gave me a “west pattern” for it.

The west pattern from Wendell in Animal Crossing: Wild World.

It’s part of the street series. Even though it’s called a west pattern, it’s just a horizontal stretch of road. It just as easily could have been called east pattern. 😛

As for Wendell, he apparently enjoyed the fish…but he commented that he would really like to eat some red turnips some day. Keep dreaming, pal. 😀

Wendell: Juh-just once, I'd like to eat a bellyful of the delicacy called red turnips.

Able Sisters had some sporty shades for sale, and I decided to buy them. I used to wear these in City Folk, and they’ll be good to have, with spring here and summer on the way.

Mabel: Ohh, yes, you're looking at some sporty shades. The price is 160 bells.

It was storming in town today though, and the rain was really coming down hard. Antonio loves the rain, because he says his muscles look bigger when his shirt gets wet and clingy.

Antonio: Me, I love it! When my shirt gets all wet and clingy, my muscles look bigger!

Victoria was all packed up to move out of town, but I changed her mind (after many attempts).

When I visited Margie, she wondered what it would be like to have a best friend in Forest…and if she’d be a nice, well-grounded girl like her.

Margie: I wonder if she'd be a nice, normal, well-grounded girl, like me...

Wow. So I guess I’m not Margie’s best friend after all. 🙁

Mathilda was mad that the Happy Room Academy only gave her room a score of 708 points. But I was more entertained by the fact that her catchphrase fit the conversation.

Mathilda: Sheesh! What gives them the right to evaluate MY house, anyway! Roo'd!

Kabuki asked me if I’d be interested in a golden cotton swab…

Kabuki: If there was such a thing as a golden cotton swab...

And it sounded like a good idea, so I told him I wanted one. But then he backtracked, saying he didn’t have one to give me. It’s probably for the best, though. If it was golden, it was probably from his ear wax anyway, and I don’t need that.

That’s all for today. Have a great day, and a wonderful weekend! 🙂

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