How Town Hall Was Funded

When I visited Rolf today, he said that even though we’re still just casual acquaintances, he has a feeling that we have chemistry…and that scares him. 😛

Rolf: ...I get this feeling that we've got chemistry, and it scares me...

Margie reminded me that the Bright Nights festival is coming up soon (next week, apparently). Pretty cool! That’s still one of Wild World’s best exclusive events.

Margie: The Bright Nights party starts soon, tootie. It lasts all week long.

Mathilda was talking about the town hall building and how impressive it is. She even said she heard that someone made a killing on turnips, and built town hall with the profits!

Mathilda: I heard that someone made a killing on turnips and built it with the profits...

So I learned something new today! I’m guessing it was Tortimer that hit the turnip jackpot? Maybe it was so long ago that Tortimer and Joan were both young! Now that’s hard to imagine. 😛

Bunnie was all packed up and ready to move out of town already, which surprised me. It’s barely been a month since she arrived, which is way too soon to let her go. So I asked her to reconsider.

Bunnie: Oh, what should I do? Should I change my mind, grrrolf?

I see she’s already using Rolf’s catchphrase. 😛 It doesn’t seem to fit her. 😀

It’s February now, and the snow will be gone in just three weeks. So I made sure to build a snowman today, and he turned out good. I would like to complete my snowman set before the winter is over. But then again, snowmen do send duplicates in this game, so my chances may not be great.

Snowman: Just waiting and waiting for a nice kid like you to come along and finish me.

I went on a fruit-gathering run, selling practically all the foreign fruit I could find. Between that, today’s fossils, and the money rock, I made a total of 75,000 bells. I now only need 67,000 bells to make my final Boondox donation! So I may be able to do that by next week, as long I don’t play so late at night that the store is already closed. 😛

2 thoughts on “How Town Hall Was Funded”

  1. May I ask how you got foreign fruit? I’ve been having trouble with this since I started playing late and online connection isn’t an option anymore

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