An Awkward Split

Saharah was in town yesterday, and she lost her map. She asked me to make some deliveries for her, and I agreed to help.

Saharah: All my addresses...gone! My deliveries! My customers! What is a camel to do?!

So I delivered some wallpaper to Mabel and some carpeting to Tom Nook. When I returned to Saharah, she offered me some ringside seating or a concrete floor. I chose the wallpaper.

Benedict told me he was hunting for fossils, but he said he’s not in it for the money. He said his true love is finding rare fossils…and gloating about them to Bunnie. 😂

Benedict: My true love is finding rare fossils...and gloating about it to Bunnie.

Rolf was trying to move out of town, but I eventually got him to reconsider.

Today, Antonio wanted to have a competition to see who could catch a pill bug first. Since those are among the easiest bugs to catch, I agreed to the contest. A pill bug popped out of the very first rock I banged, and Antonio gave me 510 bells for the bug.

Antonio: OK, trading time, baby! Bammity, wee baby! 510 bells!

Margie gave me a free “A” shirt. I was overdue to change my clothes, so I decided to put on my new threads ASAP.

Goldie asked me for a fossil, so I gave her one of the ones I dug up today (a pachy tail). She was really happy with it, and she gave me a ranch armchair in return.

In front of the museum, I listened in on a conversation between Antonio and Margie…and I’m glad I did. Antonio warned Margie to stay away, because he just split his pants.

Antonio: Uhhhhh...I was just doing a set of thunder squats, and I kinda split my pants.

Margie laughed at Antonio’s predicament, but then she came to a surprising realization: Antonio doesn’t wear pants. So she wondered what exactly split! 😮

Margie: Hey, wait a sec. You don't wear pants. So, then... What split?!?!

That’s a good question, and yet, I’m afraid that I don’t want to know the answer. 😂

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