Mosquito Problems

On Monday evening, I saw a shark in the ocean. But there was a mosquito buzzing around, so I stood there, waiting for it to bite me. But there was one problem with that strategy: it didn’t bite me! I waited a good 25 seconds, and it would circle around me, but didn’t bite. 🦟

So instead, I tried to lure it away from the area. Once it was out of the area, I quickly walked back to the shark and cast my rod. The shark took notice and started to nibble. But meanwhile, the mosquito was racing back towards me. Once it got close, it bit me immediately, scaring the shark away. Why was it suddenly so impatient once I was about to catch a shark? It’s maddening.

I got bit by a mosquito! So...very...ITCHY!

I gave Peanut some more medicine last Friday and then again on Monday. By Wednesday, she was over her cold. She gave me some checkered tile for helping her out.

Peanut: It's all because of your medicine, sunshine! You are so crazy nice!

Olivia asked me for a new greeting, so I told her to say “in my litterbox.”

Olivia: In my litterbox, huh... OK, thanks... I'll be sure to try it out, woof.

Today, I shot down another UFO. Gulliver looks as if he crashed into an apple tree head-first! That’s got to hurt!

Gulliver: Mnnuh? What's that? You fool!

I gathered up his five UFO parts and returned them to him. In return, he gave me a matryoshka. I put it in my room on the left, which is still mostly filled with hybrid flowers.

Sitting on my Nintendo bench next to my new matryoshka from Gulliver.

Bunnie was packed up and ready to move out, but I convinced her to stay.

I caught a shark today, so that made me feel a bit better about the one that got away on Monday.

I caught a shark! It was a shark attack!

It has been weeks since I got my scallop from Tortimer, and there still has been no sign of Pascal. If he shows up tomorrow, I’ll be sure to post another entry. Otherwise, I’ll be back next week.

2 thoughts on “Mosquito Problems”

  1. I think that has to rank with talking to a villager by mistake when you are supposed to be hitting a money rock for AC irritants!

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